Remedial & Energy Therapy
About the company
"Energy Therapy" treatments are unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Our specially-trained Energy Therapy therapists customize each experience using herbal-infused cream, and ancient techniques to balance your unique mind-body type. With each appointment, we strive for deep healing and lasting relaxation.For example, if you’re experiencing an imbalance that is contributing to feelings of anxiety and distraction, your treatment will focus on relaxing and grounding you, using herbal-infused cream and soothing massage strokes that will calm your entire mind-body system. On the other hand, if you have a tendency to feel sluggish and heavy, your massage will use powerful herbs and techniques to invigorate you, releasing accumulated toxins to enhance the flow of energy in your body and mind.Our Energy Therapy treatments are based upon BioElectro Meridian, a 22-year-old healing system of therapies designed to revitalize, balance, and restore your mind, body, and muscles at the deepest cellular level. Our ENERGY Therapy treatments are designed to promote blood circulation and restore balance back into your life."能量按摩"主打『機能性指壓』,在獨一無二的能量按摩領域,提供最新的按摩技術,能量師透過指尖搭配特殊的手法,讓顧客達到身心靈的放鬆,感受到比傳統按摩更深層的肌肉放鬆。 能量按摩使穴位與經絡的活化保健效果較傳統按摩更為顯著,對於身體上的痠痛,能量按摩沒有傳統按摩的按壓疼痛、獨特的被動式按摩法,使肌肉收縮自行運動減緩疼痛。 功效 1.促進血液循環:促進血液循環使微血管擴張,可解除肌肉僵硬及疼痛。 2.促進肌肉收縮:經由刺激肌肉微動及漸歇性收縮、釋放,使肌肉產生相對應之抗力,可強化及增減肌肉,復健並修補軟化受傷的肌肉。 3.減緩疼痛作用:每秒10萬次的共振藉著神經傳遞訊息時,會麻醉神經,舒緩因神經過度緊張引起之各種疼痛。 4.消除疲勞作用:可促使體內腦內啡(Endorphin)作用,具有興奮及愉快感,同時消除疲勞。 5.對於末稍神經麻痺有幫助:可活化神經興奮功能低落之處,進而預防並改善末稍神經麻痺。 想體驗科技與spa手技的結合嗎!!Gallery
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Top services

ENERGY THERAPY 60 mins $140 / first visit $ 99
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This modality of massage has undergone sixteen years of clinical research, under the guidance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Beauticians and Meridian Therapists. Energy Field Therapy combines the best of Western Medicine and with trad

HIP & LEG MUSCLE WAVE ENERGY THERAPY 30 mins $75/ first visit $50
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Your buttocks are a combination of fat and muscle. The butt’s gluteal muscles, collectively among the largest in the body, are necessary for stability, movement, and posture. In short, they’re very important.

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Breast health is too often ignored until after a problem arises. It’s an area of the body with powerful associations that sometimes makes women hesitant to seek care, despite the fact that the vast majority of them experience breast discomfort at som

Face Pull & Neck Shoulder & Hand wave energy therapy 30 mins $75 / first experience $50
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※ By appointment only ※ health insurance available

ENERGY THERAPY 120 mins $280 / first visit $ 198
60 دقيقة
This modality of massage has undergone sixteen years of clinical research, under the guidance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Beauticians and Meridian Therapists. Energy Field Therapy combines the best of Western Medicine and with trad
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