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Conscious Clinic

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    09:00 - 20:30

  • الإثنين

    07:30 - 21:00

  • الثلاثاء

    07:30 - 21:00

  • الأربعاء

    07:30 - 21:00

  • الخميس

    07:30 - 21:00

  • الجمعة

    07:30 - 21:00

  • السبت

    09:00 - 22:00

About the company

We will be CLOSED on
June 13th-August 29th
(12 weeks)
PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS LINK without permission. We are NOT taking new clients at this time.A provider's availability will differ from the company's open hours. PLEASE double check the time/day you are booking. The provider will contact you if they need to reschedule your appointment. You can cancel and reschedule your appointment at anytime by clicking  "My bookings" at the top.On Demand Psychic Healer will vary (subject to availability)We will continue to do our best to get your medicine to you as soon as we can. Please be patient and plan ahead!
A List of supplements can be found here

Our team



Top services

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Face to face Intuitive Astrology Reading- Directions below*

15 دقيقة

YOU MUST BOOK TWO HOURS BEFORE APPOINTMENT TIME. You will be able to shop and choose what you need.

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Non-contact Supplement pick up- Directions Below. Order is required*

15 دقيقة

*You must specify what you need using the supplement list link on the homepage* Pick ups are accessed through the back gate via alley access. The new code for the gate is 6058. Simply type in and turn the deadbolt. When leaving, click Schlage button

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On Demand Psychic Healing Session-Details below.*Order is required

30 دقيقة

You are eligible for an in home healing session if :1). The session is 1 hour ($150) or more. 2). The session is booked 6 hours in advance. 3). You live within a 2-10 mile range.There is a $10 fee plus $0.56/ mile round trip to come to


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