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Opening hours

  • الأحد

    11:00 - 19:00

  • الإثنين

    11:00 - 19:00

  • الثلاثاء

    11:00 - 19:00

  • الأربعاء

    يوم عطلة

  • الخميس

    11:00 - 19:00

  • الجمعة

    11:00 - 21:00

  • السبت

    11:00 - 21:00

About the company

De Shawn La Faye is a certified spiritual guidance coach, an author, motivational public speaker, intuitive oracle card reader, astrologist, crystal healer and a mother of five. Her first encounter with the spiritual world led her to find her unique gifts, which include: physical & emotional crystal healing, clairaudience, channeled oracle messages, astrological and dream interpretations, as well as, empathic chakra analysis. Being a native of Southern California for over 40 years, she boldly re

Our team

DeShawn Fields

Top services

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Five Card Intuitive Spread - Where you are now, Where you need to be and what you need to do to get there!

20 دقيقة

These are messages from Spirit right now readings. This reading will help to give you clarity, understanding and confirmation of events in your life. These messages are to edify, uplift and give direction to you on your way. The ALL SOURCE Energy is

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Nine Card Intuitive Reading - What Spirit Wants to tell you Right Now!

45 دقيقة

This in-depth and probing reading is for the person seeking direct guidance from their higher self also known as Source Power. These messages are personal for you to help bring you clarity and insight to your spirit mind and soul. 

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Pendulum Readings - Yes or No Questions only..

5 دقيقة

These intuitive Pendulum readings are for quick yes or no answers to questions you may have.. You can think of the question, book your reading and the answer will be delivered to you via text or email. 

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Monthly Subscription $100 a month

60 دقيقة

This monthly subscription package is for those that really enjoy getting readings and can have them at their leisure during the month. This package includes:5 Three card readings4 pendulum readingsHalf price for all other servicesThese packages are o

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Fire element 5 card love reading with the oracle deck of your choice.

30 دقيقة

This reading will check the energy of you, your lover (or lover to be) and the possible outcome. 30 minute max.

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Fire Element 3 card energy reading with the deck of my choice.

15 دقيقة

This reading will check where you are now in your energy. Where you need to be, and what you need to do to get there. 15 minute max.

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Earth element 5 card love reading with the oracle deck of your choice

30 دقيقة

This reading will check the energy of you, your lover (or lover to be) and the possible outcome. 30 minute max.

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Three Card Spread - Past, Present and Future

15 دقيقة

This intuitive reading is designed to get a quick glance at your past present and future energies. The insight can help you make decisions that will impact you in those areas.

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Earth Element 3 card energy reading with the deck of my choice.

15 دقيقة

This reading will check where you are now in your energy. Where you need to be, and what you need to do to get there. 15 minute max.

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Air element 5 card love reading with the oracle deck of your choice.

30 دقيقة

This reading will check the energy of you, your lover (or lover to be) and the possible outcome. 30 minute max.

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Air Element 3 card energy reading with the deck of my choice.

15 دقيقة

This reading will check where you are now in your energy. Where you need to be, and what you need to do to get there. 15 minute max.

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Water element 5 card love reading with the oracle deck of your choice.

30 دقيقة

This reading will check the energy of you, your lover (or lover to be) and the possible outcome. 30 minute max.

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Water Element 3 card energy reading with the deck of my choice.

15 دقيقة

This reading will check where you are now in your energy. Where you need to be, and what you need to do to get there. 15 minute max.

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12 Card Tuesday Tune-IN Special. Tuesdays ONLY

30 دقيقة

This 12 card tune-in will help you get clear about whatever is happening around you and in your world on Tuesdays.. I use 4 decks to get the answers you need.. Book for your next Tuesday Tune in reading..

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Healing jewelry consultation

15 دقيقة

Healing crystal jewelry consultations can be provided over the telephone during a scheduled call for a flat fee that can be deducted from the purchase price of custom pieces created. Terms to be discussed during the call.

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16 Card Spread special

60 دقيقة

This card reading is an in depth look at you, your lover current or future, your family and your career. Let the Creator give you guidance and clarity as you move forward in your spiritual journey.


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