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Opening hours

  • الأحد

    يوم عطلة

  • الإثنين

    08:00 - 21:45

  • الثلاثاء

    08:00 - 21:45

  • الأربعاء

    08:00 - 21:45

  • الخميس

    08:00 - 21:45

  • الجمعة

    08:00 - 21:45

  • السبت

    07:00 - 15:00

About the company

Hi! Thank you for choosing me as your lash artist

Our team

Damaris Villanueva

Top services

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Classic Full Set / Pestañas effecto classico

150 دقيقة

* there would be one extension of thicker diameter applied on every lash to enhance your natural lashes making them appear fuller and longer * Habría una extensión de diámetro más grueso aplicada en cada pestañas para mejorar tus pestañas n

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Hybrid full set / Pestañas effecto hibrido

150 دقيقة

* there would be a mix of fans (made up of multiple extensions of a thinner diameter) and classics (one extension of a thicker per lash)* Habría una mezcla de abanicos (comporcionados por múltiples extensiones de un diámetro más delgado) y clásicos (

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Volume full set / Pestañas effecto Volumen

150 دقيقة

* would consist of fans on every lash, lashes of a thinner diameter grouped together for a fluffy effect * Consistiría en abanicos en cada pestañas, pestañas de un diámetro más delgado agrupadas para un efecto lleno 

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Wet set / Pestañas effecto Volumen Cerrado

150 دقيقة

* would consist of what we call closed fans where there is multiple extensions of a thinner diameter grouped together, giving more of a bolder/darker version of a classic set * Consistiría en lo que llamamos abanicos cerrados donde hay múlt

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Classic 1 week fill in (touch up) / Pestañas Effecto Classico relleno de 1 semana / retoque

60 دقيقة

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Hybrid 1 week fill in (touch up) / Pestañas Effecto hibrido relleno de 1 semana / retoque

60 دقيقة

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Volume 1 week fill in (touch up) / Pestañas Effecto volumen relleno de 1 semana / retoque

60 دقيقة

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Wet set 1 week fill in (touch up) / Pestañas Effecto volumen cerrado relleno de 1 semana / retoque

60 دقيقة

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Classic 2 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto Classico relleno de 2 semanas

90 دقيقة

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Hybrid 2 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto hibrido relleno de 2 semanas

90 دقيقة

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Volume 2 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto volumen relleno de 2 semanas

90 دقيقة

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Wet set 2 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto volumen cerrado relleno de 2 semanas

90 دقيقة

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Classic 3 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto Classico relleno de 3 semanas

120 دقيقة

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Hybrid 3 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto hibrido relleno de 3 semanas

120 دقيقة

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Volume 3 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto volumen relleno de 3 semanas

120 دقيقة

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Wet set 3 week fill in / Pestañas Effecto volumen cerrado relleno de 3 semanas

120 دقيقة

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30 دقيقة

Lash removal (add-on)

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AFTERHOURS classic full set

150 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS hybrid full set

150 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS volume full set

150 دقيقة

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150 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS Classic one week touch up

60 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS wet set one week touch up

60 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS hybrid one week touch up

60 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS volume one week touch up

60 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS classic 2 week fill

90 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS wet set 2 week fill

90 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS hybrid 2 week fill

90 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS volume 2 week fill

90 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS classic 3 week fill

120 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS wet set 3 week fill

120 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS hybrid 3 week fill

120 دقيقة

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AFTERHOURS volume 3 week fill

120 دقيقة


1 reviews

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    Ashley Reyes

    8/26/2023, 1:13:01 AM


    omg where do i start!? she’s literally the sweetest person everrr! we talked and gossiped from the start to the end of my lash appointment. She is so understanding and so sweet ???? she made sure i was comfortable throughout the lash session. + had a great playlist. lash retention was 2 weeks! 10000 stars if i could. love you bunches ????

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