Opening hours

  • الأحد

    يوم عطلة

  • الإثنين

    06:00 - 20:00

  • الثلاثاء

    06:00 - 20:00

  • الأربعاء

    06:00 - 20:00

  • الخميس

    06:00 - 20:00

  • الجمعة

    06:00 - 20:30

  • السبت

    07:00 - 14:00

About the company

Reformer Pilates and yoga studio in Maputo with group and individual classes for everyone. The place to connect with your mind and body in a meaningful way.

Our team


Top services

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Reformer Pilates - Single Session

60 دقيقة

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Reformer Pilates - 1 session/week (monthly plan)

60 دقيقة

This package includes a total of 4 classes per month. 

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Reformer Pilates - Unlimited (monthly plan)

60 دقيقة

This package allows you to come and do our classes as many times as you want over a month. You can do multiple daily classes if you wish or you can come every day, make the most of your time with us!

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Reformer Pilates - Aula Experimental

60 دقيقة

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Reformer Pilates - 2 sessions/week (monthly plan)

60 دقيقة

This package includes a total of 8 classes per month. The schedule of each class is flexible and can be chosen by the client. 

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Reformer Pilates - 3 sessions/week (monthly plan)

60 دقيقة

This package includes a total of 12 classes per month. The schedule of each class is flexible and can be chosen by the client. 

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Reformer Pilates - 4 sessions/week (monthly plan)

60 دقيقة

This package includes a total of 16 classes per month. The schedule of each class is flexible and can be chosen by the client. 

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Sala Inteira, Pilates + snacks para 6 - Dia da Mulher Moçambicana

120 دقيقة

Marque um dia da mulher especial para 6 mulheres especiais para si, com direito a uma mesa de snacks e bebidas (não alcoólicas). Por apenas 7000 Meticais. A aula terá 1h e depois tem 30 min de convívio e conversa. Esta promoção fica a 1160 meticais p


2 reviews

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  • Review user image

    Ashley Presgrove

    3/26/2025, 6:51:48 AM

    Beautiful New Pilates Studio in Maputo

    Wonderful new Pilates studio with several reformers for group classes! Beautiful space, knowledgeable instructors, AC, good classes!

  • Review user image

    Yara M

    3/22/2025, 6:56:16 PM

    Pacotes de aula: dúvida

    Amei a sessão Gostaria de saber se há possibilidade de ter pacote na qual a pessoa pode realizar uma aula por semana. Questiono pois já tenho outras actividades. Obrigada

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