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Outdoor Military Fitness - OMF

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    07:30 - 11:05

  • الإثنين

    يوم عطلة

  • الثلاثاء

    09:00 - 20:00

  • الأربعاء

    09:00 - 19:00

  • الخميس

    09:00 - 20:00

  • الجمعة

    يوم عطلة

  • السبت

    09:00 - 11:05

About the company

Natural bodyweight exercise class run by military instructors. Our multi-ability classes are suitable for beginners to advanced levels of fitness. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we are operating a booking only policy with a maximum of twenty/thirty people per class (depending on location). This is additional to our live online training. The first class is free, so book on and give us a try!

Our team

OMF Haywards Heath Tuesday 10am

OMF Haywards Heath Tuesday 6pm

OMF Horsham Thursday 9am

OMF Horsham Thursday 6pm

OMF Horsham Thursday 10am

OMF Crawley Wednesday 10am

OMF Horsham Thursday 7pm

OMF Crawley Tuesday 9:30am

OMF Crawley Wednesday 6pm

Haywards Heath Sunday 9am

OMF Horsham Saturday 10am

Haywards Heath Sunday 10am

OMF Horsham Saturday 9am

OMF Haywards Heath Tuesday 9am

OMF Crawley Sunday 7:30am

OMF Crawley Saturday 10:15am

Top services

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Service name 2

60 دقيقة

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OMF Haywards Heath Tuesday 10am

50 دقيقة

45 min OMF workout

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OMF Horsham Thursday 10am

50 دقيقة

45 mins OMF class


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