Zee English Online
Opening hours
06:00 - 16:00
05:00 - 22:00
05:00 - 08:00
05:00 - 22:00
05:00 - 22:00
05:00 - 22:00
05:00 - 17:00
About the company
Welcome to Zee English Online, the best place to learn and practice your ESL skills! We offer a variety of interactive English lessons designed to help you improve your language proficiency. Whether you're just starting out or are looking for more advanced instruction, Zee English Online has something for everyone.Our online platform offers a fun and engaging way to learn English. Our experienced instructors provide comprehensive grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary lessons through live video chat. You'll also have access to helpful resources such as quizzes and activities to continue practising what you've learned in each class. We are available via WeChat (ID: EnglishZee) if you need additional support or guidance. So why wait? Get started with Zee English Online today and unlock your full potential!Discounts & coupons
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5o Minute Tutorial 1V1
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2 reviews
Busra Tutkac Altug
10/31/2024, 8:28:23 AM
An enjoyable learning process
The course was quite enjoyable and informative. I feel more motiveted to improve my English speaking skills.
5/18/2023, 3:51:11 AM
happy class
It is a happy class