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Environmental Health and Safety

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    يوم عطلة

  • الإثنين

    07:00 - 17:00

  • الثلاثاء

    07:00 - 17:00

  • الأربعاء

    07:00 - 17:00

  • الخميس

    07:00 - 17:00

  • الجمعة

    07:00 - 17:00

  • السبت

    يوم عطلة

About the company

MissionEnvironmental Health and Safety provides expertise to strengthen the culture of safety and responsibility across the campus community.VisionTo partner with the campus community in pursuit of environmental health and safety excellence with integrity, trust and teamwork.LocationWe are located at 295 W. Linden St. Riverside CA 92507.From University Ave (going East) towards the campus, continue until the road turns left, becoming Canyon Crest Drive. Continue on Canyon Crest Drive (going North) to the intersection of Canyon Crest Drive and Linden Street. Turn right at Linden Street (going East). The EH&S building is located at the end of Linden Street, on the corner of Linden Street and Pentland Way.Click here for Campus Map. You can print this map from the menu of your internet browser.ParkingVisitors with Blue or Red Campus Parking Permits may park in Lot 20 directly across from the EH&S Building. Visitors can also purchase a visitor parking permit through Self-Service Pay Stations or Pay-by-Phone (ParkMobile App). For more information on parking, visit Transportation and Parking Services website.  Additional parking is also available in Lot 23. Review the University parking requirements for more information.

Our team

PPE Fitting

Industrial Hygiene Programs

Juan Pablo Simonovis

Ondra Carter

Pamela A. See

Patrick Monnig

Tran Phan

Occupational Health Team

Erika de Guzman

Travis Underwood

Rob Miers

Amanda Grey

Lab Coat Laundry Barcoding


Biosafety Evaluation

Top services

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PPE Fitting (Lab Coats and Safety Eyewear)

30 دقيقة

The PPE Program includes distribution and fitting of PPE (e.g. lab coats and safety eyewear) assigned by LHAT. Bring your photo ID to the EH&S building to get outfitted. 

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Respirator Fit Test (N95s, Half Face, Full Face, Tight Fitting PAPR)

30 دقيقة

Respirator fit testing includes fit testing for such as N95s, half face, full face, or tight-fitting PAPR.Prior to scheduling appointment, please make sure you finished your medical evaluation and training. Also, please have a clean shave for th

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EH&S Consultation

60 دقيقة

Schedule a consultation with an EH&S Research Safety Specialist. Topics include:Laboratory Safety Evaluation preparationChemical storage, handling, inventory, and disposal guidance

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EH&S Laboratory Safety Evaluation

60 دقيقة

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Appointments for the UCR Onsite Hearing Testing Exam 12/14-12/16

30 دقيقة

UCR EH&S  will host onsite hearing testing services on Wednesday - Friday  (12/14- 12/16). The mobile unit will be parked against the west side of the Butler Building in the Corp Yard. Exams are 30 minutes and require that eac

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Controlled Substance Use Evaluation

60 دقيقة

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2023 Onsite Hearing Test Exams 12/11-12/13

30 دقيقة

EH&S is host the Examinetics hearing testing services on Monday - Wednesday (12/11- 12/13). The mobile unit will be parked against the west side of the Butler Building in the Corp Yard (location subject to change). Exams are 30 minutes

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Lab Coat Laundry Barcoding

15 دقيقة

Appointments to apply Mission Linen laundering barcodes to eligible lab coats. All lab coats for one lab may be brought to one appointment.

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EH&S Equipment Decontamination

60 دقيقة

Schedule a time for EH&S to tag equipment as decontaminated and cleared for movement.

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15 دقيقة

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Biosafety Evaluation (BUA Initiation, Amendment, Renewal)

60 دقيقة

Biosafety Laboratory Evaluations are required for all initial BUA submissions, Amendments that include changes in location, scope of work, or additional equipment, as well as all Renewals. 


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