Adrian Hodoba
We have created an organizational learning company consisting of a team of specialists withdifferent competencies in organizational learning, and which, depending on the business anddevelopment objectives of our clients, accompanies them through shor
Mit einem systemisch ausgerichteten und achtsamkeitsbasierten Coaching entwickeln wir gemeinsam einen PLAN zur Erreichung deiner persönlichen ZIELE.
Rodica Obancea
Master Certified Coach, challenging coaching partener to create small changes that can generate big results
ISB Consulting LLC
ISB specializes in providing tech training for real estate agents. My services are tailored to meet the unique needs of real estate professionals who want to take their business to the next level. I offer comprehensive training on all aspects of CRM
即時《 碳.殛 》空位
!綠色空格就是即時空位! 台北. 桃園. 台中. 高雄 晚場請於 6 :30 前預約完畢 建議每2萬公里除碳一次 免換機油、30 分鐘搞定 里程高、建議兩次最徹底 請間隔 1000+ km 再深層!
Nelson Anani consulting
Nelson Anani consulting est une plateforme de Coaching qui à pour but de permettre à chacun de découvrir son potentiel intérieur. De développer le bon état d'esprit pour sortir vainqueur de chaque situation de la vie. . Au travers de mes expériences