Adrian Hodoba
We have created an organizational learning company consisting of a team of specialists withdifferent competencies in organizational learning, and which, depending on the business anddevelopment objectives of our clients, accompanies them through shor
Alive & Well Energy
Reiki & Integrated Energy Therapy and Intuitive Life Coaching, bringing you as much clarity, awareness and peace as it brings me. I'm deeply grateful you have chosen to let me help you embrace your authentic Self on your journey to whol
Intuitive Life Coaching - 60 mins
Intuitive Life Coaching - 30 mins
Heart's Compass session (Complimentary) - 15 mins
Activate Your 3rd Act
Our Mission: To activate a movement of people aged 50+ to create a 3rd Act with passion and leave a proud legacy while leading a life of joy.
Free 30-Minute Consultation
1 Hour Co-Active Coaching Session
Geoff’s Personal 1:1 Third Act - 3 Month Program
Subconscious Recoding 1 h Session
Subconscious Recoding 5 Session Pack
Subconscious Recoding 10 Session Pack
Ana Astorga Coaching
Mi trabajo esta enfocado en mujeres profesionales y emprendedoras. Te ayudo a avanzar en tu carrera / negocio potenciando la confianza y seguridad en tus capacidades y habilidades para alcanzar el bienestar laboral que deseas.
Agenda exclusiva para Clientas
Reunión Inicial (sin costo)
Au-delà des réflexes
Praticienne en intégration des réflexes archaïques, décodage psycho-corporel et soins énergétiques
Appel renseignements séances ou premier RdV
Appel Découverte Accompagnement
Abundance & Prosperity
Abundance & Prosperity is designed to create Abundance & Prosperity that Grows and Lasts. It is not a get rich quick scheme. It is not for people who don’t make enough money to provide for their basic needs. It i