Terviseuuringud.ee (Health Tests OÜ) on pereettevõte, mis on loodud augustis 2014. Sama aasta sügisel saadi EASist ja Kredexist toetust meditsiiniseadmete ostuks ning Terviseamet väljastas tegevusloa. Pidevalt on osaletud erialastel koolitustel nii E
Lily Ro Photography
For the first time, I'm offering Mommy and Me mini portrait sessions! Whether it's with your baby, your 5-year-old, or your teenager I want to capture the special bond between you and your kids. These sessions make great gifts (hint hint, dads!) and
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Beneath The Woods Animal Sanctuary
Ananda's Animal Sanctuary
Pigs in the Wood
L’EDBN est depuis une figure incontournable dans l’univers de la formation périnatale. Elle a pour idée phare d’effectuer une réflexion et un travail de fond : tant au niveau des besoins profonds du bébé et de sa famille, qu’au niveau des acteurs du
Káčko Prešov - IPčko, o.z.
IPčko poskytuje psychologickú pomoc anonymne, bezplatne a nonstop na našich linkách pomoci alebo osobne v Káčku - kontaktné centrum krízovej intervencie, a Kreate klubu. Prostredníctvom tohto formulára ponúkame možnosť prejaviť záujem o triednické ho
São Paulo, Rua Groenlândia, 1935 - Jardim America
São Paulo, Rua Groenlândia, 1935 - Jardim America Mostrar no mapaAmber Scates
I believe that everyone can change the world through the power of creativity! If you are an artist, performer, or creative who wants to take your artistry to the next level, but have been stuck in the endless creative blocks and distractions, I’m
1 Hour of Healing & Clarity
What is holding you back from living your fullest expression? This one-hour 1:1 phone call will offer you the clarity you need to find the answer to this question. ONE CALL with me will have you feeling physically & emotionally lighter. Include