Emmanuela Spirito
Laureata in Scienze biologiche con 110 e lode e tesi in Genetica molecolare, dopo un Corso di perfezionamento post lauream in Nutrizione e Prevenzione delle malattie dismetaboliche, ho cominciato ad esercitare l'attività di Nutrizionista, senza mai d
Appuntamento telefonico
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Kriative Solutions
In order to best meet your individual training needs, we now offer remote and in-person training in several core Kriah areas. You may choose from any or all of the suggested topics. Kriah Course Options: 1. Course overview 2. Basic training in all
Letter Recognition: Teaching Letter Recognition (3-5 hours)
Phonemic Awareness for Beginning Sounds
Phonemic Awareness for Os Nekuda Blends
Réservation Sabrina Dugast
Bienvenu sur la page de réservation en ligne. Ceci est une option, vous pouvez évidemment réserver en m'appelant directement.
Séance en cabinet
Séance psycho-corporelle en téléconsultation / téléphone
E.conseils floraux
Croc en Fagnes
Tous les jours, nous vous proposons une variété de bowls, de plats à réchauffer et d'accompagnements 100% bio et fait maison dans les ateliers de nos magasins Biofagnes
Café & mignardises
Dedicated Leasing Specialist - Phone Call
Dedicated Leasing Specialist - Virtual Call
Dedicated Leasing Specialist - In Office Visit
B&C 360 Photo Booth Experience
Book your event with us today. Once you book, we'll reach out to you shortly to go over details and confirm booking. Thank you!