B&C 360 Photo Booth Experience
Book your event with us today. Once you book, we'll reach out to you shortly to go over details and confirm booking. Thank you!
360 Photo Booth Service (2 hrs)
360 Photo Booth Service (3 hrs)
360 Photo Booth Service (4 hrs)
Cristal spring water, wild herbs, healing Alpine air, natural wood and stone combined with the modern wellness technologies will immerse you into the unforgettable experience.
Pure Yoga
Zerobody Floating Experience (30 min., 10€)
Casa Dharma Querétaro
Reserva tu clase de yoga, meditación, circuito hiit, ritmos latinos, yoga en columpio.
Columpio - Lunes 7:00 pm
Yoga Vinyasa Flow - Lunes 8:00 pm
Circuito Hiit - Lunes 9:00 pm
Beauty & Skincare
Willkommen auf meiner Buchungsseite. Hier kannst du Termine für ein Lash- und Browlifting buchen. Ich freue mich auf dich!
Kombiangebot Lash- & Browlifting
Reserve con nosotros una cita virtual a través de cualquiera de las plataformas existentes: Zoom, Teams, Meet, Whatsapp, etc.
Consulta express
Consulta especializada 30 min.
Consulta especializada 60 min.
hey I’m Milliana I do services specific to my clientele whatever that may be please book and confirm can’t wait to see you