Striking Media, LLC.
Professional photography business offering an array of services ranging from portraiture to commercial products, and events — weddings, family reunions, bar mitzvah, and more.
Portrait Photography
Event Photography
Drone Photography/Videography
Meet & Greet
Unpacking Brand You
Exploring the Layers of Brand You
Briord, 1, Route du Pont
Briord, 1, Route du PontBriord, 1, Route du Pont
Mostrar no mapaAeschenvorstadt 48, 4051, Basel
Mostrar no mapaNeugutstrasse 89, 8600, Dübendorf
Mostrar no mapaDreikönigstrasse 21, 8002, Zürich
Mostrar no mapaTermin im Geschäft (1 Stunde).
Videokonferenz (1 Stunde).
Telefonischer Beratungstermin (1 Stunde).
Beratung und Therapie mit System Einzelberatung-Paarberatung-Familienberatung Kinderwunschbegleitung Selbsthilfegruppe "Kinderwunschzeit"
Erstberatung (Einzel-/ Paarberatung)
Folgeberatung (Einzel-/Paarberatung)
Doppelstunde (Einzel-/ Paarberatung)
Manda Kahn Photography
At Manda Kahn Photography you get a small town family feel with your session. Once you choose me you become a part of my extended family.