體驗活動時間為2小時需提前10分鐘集合(請勿遲到 由於活動為時段性 遲到有損您的權 請抓好您寶貴的時間)活動結束後會更衣及傳照片(若後續有安排活動或行程 建議此活動時間抓2.5小時內)【愛拍照】 (很怕水的朋友可以選這邊呦) 主要以拍照為主 並且會在你的能力範圍內陪你慢慢站起來 如果大成功後想玩水 教練會在你身邊看著你泡泡水非常安心【愛玩水】 夏天到了我就是要玩水哩~ 照片簡單來個幾張就好的朋友們可以選這呦 主要活動會以水上團康為主【全都要】 想拍美美 又想玩水水 教練會平均安排
【RELAX CHILL】滿5人85折優惠中
【RELAX CHILL】滿3人9折優惠中
【PRO CHILL】滿3人9折優惠中

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Thank you for your purchases at our recent auction. Please schedule your appointment to pick up your purchases. If you need help with hauling please contact our shipping partners below Cut your booking time in half by getting rates all in one place
Grande Prairie, 721076 Range Rd 51
Grande Prairie, 721076 Range Rd 51Grande Prairie, 721076 Range Rd 51
Mostrar no mapa780 Hwy 2, V1J 0J7, Dawson Creek
Mostrar no mapa721076 Range Road 51, T8X 4G1, Grande Prairie, AB
Mostrar no mapaGrande Prairie Loader Assistance
Grande Prairie Pre-Sale Container Delivery
Synergy Dance Ltd
Synergy Dance® offers dance, yoga and fitness programmes for children, teenagers and adults in schools and leisure centres. While doing our best to ensure no one is left behind by uniquely serving mainstream participants and those with Special Nee
Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, GU1 1UP, Guildford
Mostrar no mapaKing Alfred Leisure Centre, Kingsway, BN3 2WW, Hove
Mostrar no mapaQE Park Centre, Railton Road, GU2 9LX, Guildford
Mostrar no mapaWoking Leisure Centre, Woking Park, GU22 9BA, Kingfield Road
Mostrar no mapa2 Beacon Hill Rd, Beacon Hill, GU26 6NR, Hindhead
Mostrar no mapaPortslade Sports Centre, Mile Oak, BN41 2WS, Brighton
Mostrar no mapaLittlehampton Wave Leisure Centre, Sea Road, BN16 2NA, Littlehampton
Mostrar no mapaSchool Lane, Westcott, RH43QF, Dorking
Mostrar no mapaOngar Place Primary School, Milton Road, KT151NY, Addlestone
Mostrar no mapa155 Aldershot Road, GU28YH, Guildford
Mostrar no mapaBurpham Foundation Primary School, Burpham Lane, GU47LZ, Guildford
Mostrar no mapaNorth Downs Primary School, RH3 7LA, Brockham
Mostrar no mapaFleet Infant School, Velmead Rd, GU52 7LQ, Fleet
Mostrar no mapaBagshot Infant School, School Ln, GU19 5BP, Bagshot
Mostrar no mapaHeatherside Infant School, 39 Reading Rd, GU52 7SB, Fleet
Mostrar no mapaOakwood Infant School, Church Ln, RG27 8DY, Hook
Mostrar no mapaGreenfields Junior School, Green Ln, RG27 8DQ, Hook
Mostrar no mapaThe Clockhouse, Chapel Lane, GU8 5EZ, Milford
Mostrar no mapaSouthwick Leisure Centre, Old Barn Way, BN42 4NT, Southwick
Mostrar no mapaPeacehaven Leisure Centre, Greenwich Way, BN10 8BB, East Sussex
Mostrar no mapaThe Manor Sports Centre, Manor Road, BN25EA, Brighton
Mostrar no mapaWestdene Barn, Barn Rise, BN1 5EE, Brighton
Mostrar no mapaHerne Farm, GU31 4PJ, Petersfield
Mostrar no mapaARCH -Alpha Road Community Centre, GU228HF, Woking
Mostrar no mapaFairlands Community Centre, Fairlands Avenue, GU3 3NA, Guildford
Mostrar no mapaThe Edge Leisure Centre, Woolmer Hill RD, GU271QB, Haslmere
Mostrar no mapaStreet Dance with Acro 5+ years (Autumn Term)
Teen Yoga 12+ years (Autumn Term)
Breakdance & Street 7+ years (Autumn Term)

Audire & Consilium
Nous vous accompagnons dans la réalisation des prestations de services et de conseil financier, comptable, Technique, d’audit, stratégique, en matière opérationnelle, de management, de gestion et d’amélioration de la performance, en matière de ges
Conseils aux professionnels
Conseils aux particuliers
RADIOLOGY RECIPESWe provide a comprehensive support system for medical students and doctors throughout their recruitment into radiology and early years as a consultant, through our various training days. Through the years we have successfully guided
Radiology ST Interviews
Radiology Consultant Interview
Івано-Франківськ, 23 вулиця Української Перемоги
Івано-Франківськ, 23 вулиця Української Перемоги Mostrar no mapa1 година
2 години
3 години
Personal Training Live 1to1
Consulenza Fitness Live
Workshop Esercizi in sala pesi
makeup application
eyebrow lamination
eyebrows wax and tint
San Diego , 998 W Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109, United States
San Diego , 998 W Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109, United States Mostrar no mapa