Medicina alternativa



Acupuntura - Medicina China

Medicina alternativa

No te acostumbres a sentir dolor todos los días, podemos vivir una vida mejor si realizamos los cambios necesarios.La acupuntura ya tiene casi 100 años de estudio científico, su eficacia esta comprobada y tiene el respaldo del Ministerio de Salud.Alg

Acupuntura - Medicina China


Clase Qi Gong AM


Dr. Nicole Langlois

Medicina alternativa

You've reached the scheduling portal for Dr. Nicole Langlois. Please click in the link if you'd like to schedule an appointment.

New Patient visit


Franco Longo, R.Ac, R.TCMP

Medicina alternativa

Acupuncture & Herbal Medicinefor Mental & Emotional Health

Location icon

Hamilton, Ontario, 180 James St. S, Suite 206

Hamilton, Ontario, 180 James St. S, Suite 206 Mostrar no mapa

Initial Consultation and Treatment (approx 90 minutes)

1h 45m

Follow-up Treatment (approx 60 minutes)

1h 15m

Pain Relief and Wellness Centre

Medicina alternativa

Pain Relief and Wellness Centre offers professional, personalised chiropractic care in a warm and friendly setting. Our practice facilities are some of the best in Melbourne. We have modern and state-of-the-art diagnostic and treating equipment makin

New Patient Consultation


Office Visit


New Patient Appointment

Location icon

Ober-Erlenbach, Wetterauer Straße, 12

Ober-Erlenbach, Wetterauer Straße, 12 Mostrar no mapa

Babys in Bewegung (3 bis 5 Monate)


Babys in Bewegung (6 bis 9 Monate)


Massage Sonore (bols tibétains) avec Magali Bourguignon


Annalisa Widdifield R Ac.

Medicina alternativa Academias

Annalisa is a Registered Acupuncturist with the CAAA offering acupuncture, cupping, guasha therapies. She is a certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner and uses Tuning Fork as ultra sound therapy. A gradute of Grant MacEwan University Annalisa has exp

Location icon

Edmonton, Suite 501,, 11044 82 Avenue Northwest,

Edmonton, Suite 501,, 11044 82 Avenue Northwest, Mostrar no mapa

Acupuncture Follow Up Treatment


Initial Assessment and Acupuncture Treatment

1h 30m

Kinesio Taping


Hansbrough Functional Neurology

Medicina alternativa

Dear Friend,   Have you been to your medical doctor for symptoms such as: fatigue, weight gain,  thinning hair, brain fog, dry skin, bowel disorders, low moods or sleep disruption? Have your blood tests come back as normal, but you still suf

Free 30-Minute Consultation



Medicina alternativa


Location icon

106台北市大安區金山南路二段222號2樓, 捷運古亭站5號出口(步行約5分鐘)

106台北市大安區金山南路二段222號2樓, 捷運古亭站5號出口(步行約5分鐘) Mostrar no mapa