From a private workplace.No exaggerated storefront,The most affordable price, Giving you the best eyebrow art.By Appointment Only⛩️ Private Studio_Mission BayPlease send a private message on instagram before making an appointment.
Powdered Brows/妝感水霧眉
Ombre Brows/漸變自然霧眉
SAINT-ETIENNE, 6 boulevard alexandre de fraissinette, résidence Le Xenon - bâtiment C - étage 3 ascenseur
SAINT-ETIENNE, 6 boulevard alexandre de fraissinette, résidence Le Xenon - bâtiment C - étage 3 ascenseur Mostrar no mapaTasikmalaya, Perumahan Griya Parahyangan Blok D12, Jalan Ahmad Yani No 146, Sukamanah, Cipedes
Tasikmalaya, Perumahan Griya Parahyangan Blok D12, Jalan Ahmad Yani No 146, Sukamanah, Cipedes Mostrar no mapaParis, 40 bis Rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
Paris, 40 bis Rue du Faubourg Poissonnière Mostrar no mapa1ère consultation de naturopathie au cabinet (Paris 10)
1ère consultation de naturopathie en visio
Massage kobido visage (50min)
Ideal Self
Facial Treatments Agendamento de entrevistas
Ideal Self is a weight loss clinic focused on each individual client. Our goal is to provide a client-centered, positive experience to each person who strives to improve body composition and lose weight.
Initial Consultation
Weekly Check-in
Phase 4 Transition
Ayurveda Wellness
Achtsame, professionelle Massagen und Wellness Behandlungen aus dem Ayurveda und der modernen westlichen Körperarbeit - Klassische Massage - Tiefenmassage - Ayurveda Massage - Shirodhara
Hey Babes! Anneliesslashes offers - Classic - Hybrid - Mega Volume lashes! There is a $15 Deposit through Zelle to secure spot. (909) 491-8197Let me know if you have any questions (: