Lucy Carter Hair + Makeup is located at Bayse Collective in Mount Hawthorn, WA.Lucy is an experienced hair and makeup artist who specialises in creating natural, glowing looks for her clients.For freelance/Out of salon bookings please send Lucy an em
Full Glam Makeup (includes lashes)
Natural Glam Makeup (includes lashes)
Super Natural Makeup (NO lashes)

Plasma Beauty Hair
Plasma Beauty Hair es una empresa especializada en alisados permanentes a domicilio, entregando seguridad en la comodidad de tu hogar.Contamos con un completo servicio, con el objetivo principal de que nuestras clientes obtengan bellos resultados y s

Philailux Gesundheits-Thaimassage
Körperliche, geistige und seelische Gesundheit werden durch einen intakten Energiefluss. bestimmt. Schalten Sie ab vom Stress und hektischen Alltag und erleben Sie die entspannende und gleichzeitig energiegebende Wirkung der professionellen Thaimassa
Berlin, Storkower Straße 207a
Berlin, Storkower Straße 207aBerlin, Storkower Straße 207a
Mostrar no mapaStorkower Straße 207a, 10369, Berlin
Mostrar no mapa30min Gesunheitsfördernde Thaimassage
90min Gesunheitsfördernde Thaimassage
60min 4-Hand Massage
士林區天母 髮型師傑森 jasonhair
2012年5月5日創立於異國風情的天母街道,法國「普羅旺斯鄉村」情調建築,象徵巴黎鐵塔品牌形象格調,沒有矯作的精緻而有品味的質感。 服務項目包含男女士剪髮、染髮、燙髮、髮質修護和頭皮護理療程。全程美髮1對1服務,由髮型師傑森(JASON TAOnakagawa)親自為你操作。 髮型師傑森 ( JASON TAOnakagawa ), 提供完善的剪髮、染髮等服務諮詢, 解決髮型的困擾,打造專屬於你的髮型風格。
洗髮&吹風 · NT$850
剪髮 (含洗髮&吹風) · NT$1800

Didistone Beauty Appointments
Sobrancelhas e cílios Tratamentos capilares Maquiagem Massage Hair Removal Facial Treatments
Behind Didistone Beauty is Gemima Stone, a very passionate artist who seeks to perfect every services that she offers to her clients, and this since a young age. Didistone Beauty offers all kinds of services and hopes to continue to add even more se
Classic Lash Extension 75$
Hybrid Lash Extensions 85$
Wispy Lash Extension 95$
Laëtitia Morin - Parenthèse Bien Être
Massage bien être, réflexologie plantaire, chi nei tsang, yoga du son
Massage Californien Parenthèse Bien Être 60 min
Tui Na
Relaxant dos

Rotimi's Beauty Palace
RBP is not just a brand. It's much more than that.There is a whole vision and story behind it.It's a vision that needs to be seen.A mission that is yet to be accomplished. Backed by my unwavering belief to put something big in motion and archive my d
Wig Installation (with special styling)
Wedding Hair Consultation
Sew in with closure (with frontal +€15
WELCOME!Welcome to Hidden Gem Massage - a cosy home-run massage salon near Broadway Market, East London! ABOUT MEMy holistic approach to manual therapy has developed over 10 years of studying and practicing various manual therapy techniques from