Mharia Borges Treinamento & Desenvolvimento Humano
Treinamentos Language Courses Treinamentos Counselling/Consulting
Olá! Seja bem-vindo(a)! Você está acessando um espaço de construção e cocriação do potencial humano. Por meio do que há de mais avançado em termos de Tecnologia do Desenvolvimento Humano, você receberá o apoio necessário para dar o próximo melhor pa
BUD - Supporting Leaders for Positive Change
At BUD we supporting leaders for positive change in their businesses and communities. Many leaders are called into leadership by default without the right support and tools to be able to lead themselves and others, this can sometimes feel like an unw
London, Impact Hub, POP Brixton, Popes Road
London, Impact Hub, POP Brixton, Popes Road Mostrar no mapaBUD 1:1 Mentoring / Coaching Support for Positive Change
Discovery Taster Session
Transformational Leadership Packages
Reset met Liset
Breathwork 1 op 1 sessies Ademcirkels Business Breath op maat en op locatie
Individuele sessie
RESET-dag; Ademcirkel
Telefonische kennismaking

I'm a mental/sport coach. I hold online mental training for athletes of any sport (special background in handball). No matter how pro you are, elite athlete or an amateur: if you feel stuck on your way to YOUR GOAL, contact me at mysportcoach.eu 
Single Coaching (60 min) 60 €
Single Coaching (90 min) 90€

Praxis Lazuli
Transformations Coaching Lösen von Blockaden, Neuausrichtung, BewusstSein, Quanten-Sprung : Wege zu Dir! Mit Hypnose Therapie (OMNI/Soul and Parts), Coaching Tarot/Medial, KlangFrequenz Behandlung, Kundalini Yoga

Rescue Readers
Rescue Reader provides Experienced Actors & Coaches to enhance Self Tape Auditions. Unlike other services, a majority of staff are CPS Permit holders legally able to work with Child Actors.
Rescue Reader (40 min)
*Coach Corey* (Read/Coach 40 mins)
Self Tape Feedback (+1 revision review)

Linda Fenesova - Trauma & Growth
"Slow down, reflect and reconnect". Experience a range of services that support you reconnecting to your natural aliveness and playfulness. For more information visit www.lindafenesova.ie
Free Discovery Zoom Call
In-Person Embodied Coaching
Bewellpathway Therapy
We are an online group practice primarily serving the Middle East, Ireland, and the UK. We strive to create an online therapeutic atmosphere that promotes positive change, by providing a safe, secure and confidential platform to help our clients proc
Free 20 minute session
1 x 30 Minute Session
x12 Sessions 30-minutes each VALIDITY 3 MONTHS

L'école de l'éloquence
L’École de l’éloquence est née d’un constat : la parole est universelle, mais nous avons de plus en plus de difficultés à communiquer. Stress et appréhension, difficultés à organ
Aix-en-Provence, Avenue Henri Pontier
Aix-en-Provence, Avenue Henri PontierAix-en-Provence, Avenue Henri Pontier
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