Der DUYC ist der mitgliederstärkste Segelverein in Duisburg und Leistungszentrum des Segler-Verbandes NRW. Unter seinem Dach sind nicht nur sportlich ambitionierte Regattasegler zu Hause, sondern auch Fahrtensegler, die es auf dem Wasser eher gemütli
Braking the Cycle
Auto Escolas Agendamento de entrevistas Escolas
Braking the Cycle Dalby aims to provide young people with increased; employment opportunities, community connection and driver education meaning safer roads and safer communities. This is achieved via a volunteer mentor program designed to support l
jenn martin
I'm excited to start driving with you!! We'll go out 4 times (1.5hr each) to equal your 6 required BTW hours! Please book three asap (at least a week apart) and book the last right before your test time! See you Behind-The-Wheel! ** WE MEET AT QUEEN