Der DUYC ist der mitgliederstärkste Segelverein in Duisburg und Leistungszentrum des Segler-Verbandes NRW. Unter seinem Dach sind nicht nur sportlich ambitionierte Regattasegler zu Hause, sondern auch Fahrtensegler, die es auf dem Wasser eher gemütli
Integration Solutions, Inc.
Eventos educacionais Treinamentos
This site helps Dr. Jackson book appointments for her existing clients as well as new clients wanting to chat about services. Please review the openings and select a time to meet with Dr. Jackson. Note that Dr. Jackson's schedule fills up qui
英伦云小学旨在为5-12岁的小朋友提供完整英国小学课堂和校园体验。所有课程及活动皆遵循英国国家教育大纲进行设定。课程内容涵盖:英语语文、数学、科学、历史、地理、艺术史等综合学科。全方位提升云小学学员知识储备和能力认知。 英伦云小学所有课程均由英国持牌教师进行全英文教授。学生将会通过课程获得和英国同龄小朋友同等的能力和知识。
London, Gray's Inn Chambers, 19-21 High Holborn
London, Gray's Inn Chambers, 19-21 High Holborn Mostrar no mapaYear 1 英伦云小学一年级--30分钟课程
Reception 学前预备课程--30分钟课程
Year 2 英伦云小学二年级--30分钟课程
Apresentação do curso de inglês para pré adolescentes: 10 - 13 anos
Apresentação do curso de inglês para crianças: 5 - 9 anos
Active Start Tours
Active Start Childcare is a family owned business with local roots in the Calgary area. Founded in 1991, Active Start's sister centre, Magic Mountain Daycare, has been voted as Airdrie's best daycare for four consecutive years and proudly serves the
Kowloon, Wing Lung Bank Building, Shaw Campus Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road
Kowloon, Wing Lung Bank Building, Shaw Campus Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road Mostrar no mapaBraking the Cycle
Auto Escolas Agendamento de entrevistas Escolas
Braking the Cycle Dalby aims to provide young people with increased; employment opportunities, community connection and driver education meaning safer roads and safer communities. This is achieved via a volunteer mentor program designed to support l