Data de validade: 2 de agosto de 2099
![Company image](http://simplybook.me/uploads/boyung/image_files/preview/227989f30782da18018340bf5c51ea67.png)
김보영 교수
If you are a Yeungnam Univ. student and have an issue to discuss face to face with Prof. Bo-Yung Kim, please make an appointment by clicking "예약하기" button above. 상담을 원하는 영남대학교 학생은 위의 "예약하기"를 클릭하여 시간을 예약하십시오.
비대면상담(on-line meeting with Zoom)
대면상담(face-to-face meeting)
One on One lessons
Welcome to my booking system. Please choose a date and time from available appointments to have a session with me. Sessions are an hour long and will cover anything and everything. If you require longer sessions please book both slots togeth
Intrinsic Solutions, International
Learn more about us at www.isintl.com.All times are Eastern Time
Bonjour, L'heure du passage de votre certification est arrivée ! Nous vous rappelons que celle-ci fait partie intégrante de votre parcours de formation et vous permettra de le finaliser. Par ailleurs, elle sera un atout essentiel dans votre vie prof
ICDL certification PAO (Indesign)
ICDL certification CAO 3D (Sketchup/Revit)
ICDL certification Edition image (Photoshop/Illustrator)
Sarah Burgess - Violin Teacher
I provide tuition for Violin & Viola from beginner to degree level. I teach Trinity and ABRSM syllabus, but also teach for those who just want to play for leisure. Sarah Burgess is a graduate of the University of East Anglia where she studied Viol
Mindful Mandarins
Speaking Series-Mindful Masters, 4.5 - 5.5 yrs old 普及愛⼤師班:適合 4.5- 5.5 歲
Reading & writing - Series-6 years + Mindful Scholars Junior 普及愛啟蒙者
Tones Trafikkskole
Trafikkskole.Tones trafikkskole drives og eies av Tone Natland. Trafikkskolen har eksistert siden mars 2016, men Tone har mer enn 13 års erfaring som trafikklærer. Tone begynte i august 1994 som trafikklærer på Støyten trafikkskole etter å ha fullfør
Dobbeltime manuell gir
Dobbeltime Automat
活動目的:漫畫系擁有多位外籍師資,利用教師Office Time,為提升同學外語能力以及學習意願,特舉辦本活動利用各種時間提升同學對話能力。使用線上或是實體,在討論動畫、漫畫、小說、電影、電視劇的同時,邊與老師對話邊練習口語能力,達成在玩中學、學中玩的良好循環。