iCrazy English Online
i CRAZY線上英文 瘋視界留遊學股份有限公司地址:10690 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段221號12樓(忠孝敦化捷運站2號出口)電話:02-87713709統一編號:42561073E-mail: reach.esac@gmail.com24小時線上客服
TAIPEI, 12F,221, 忠孝東路四段, 車層里, 東區商圈, 大安區, 臺北市, 10686, 臺灣
TAIPEI, 12F,221, 忠孝東路四段, 車層里, 東區商圈, 大安區, 臺北市, 10686, 臺灣 Mostrar no mapaGeniusCamp Summer Program
At Genius Camp, we engage children in real-life challenges and encourage them to put theory into practice with fun STREAM-based (Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts, and Math) projects.
Aerospace science Kite to Rocket 11-14
Coding and Engineering 101 With Micro:Bit (11-14)
Louvain-la-Neuve, Place du Cardinal Mercier 10 (office: c 236)
Louvain-la-Neuve, Place du Cardinal Mercier 10 (office: c 236) Mostrar no mapaMadrasah Aishah
Madrasah Aishah ist ein islamisches Bildungsinstitut, das es muslimischen Frauen, Kindern und Jugendlichen ermöglicht, authentisches Wissen über den Islam in deutscher Sprache zu erlangen. Vorträge, Kurse, und vor allem ein Alimiyyah-Studium (gepl
Academia Universum
¡Bienvenidos a Academia Universum en Mérida! Somos una academia líder en la enseñanza de idiomas como Inglés, Portugués y Francés. Además, ofrecemos servicios como Oficina Digital del Ciudadano, Baby Club, Servicio Técnico en nuestro PcClinic, y Alqu
Mérida, Calle Cardero, 9, Local comercial bajo
Mérida, Calle Cardero, 9, Local comercial bajo Mostrar no mapaCita Previa Presencial
Cita Previa Videollamada/Telefónica
Apresentação do curso de inglês para pré adolescentes: 10 - 13 anos
Apresentação do curso de inglês para crianças: 5 - 9 anos
Rule One Education - Sheryl Loesch
Lau chi leung
Time slots: 08:00 --> Lesson 1 (08:35 - 09:30)09:00 --> Lesson 2 (09:35 - 10:30) 10:00 --> Lesson 3 (10:50 - 11:45)11:00 --> Lesson 4 (11:50 - 12:45) 13:00 --> Lunch time (12:45 - 13:55)14:00 --> Lesson 5 (14:00 - 14:55)15:0
Learning Coach Services
A learning coach is a professional who works with students individually to help them meet their academic and educational goals. Just as a sports coach helps an athlete develop her athletic skills and strategies, a learning coach helps a student d
Andreas Health Support
Nachdem ich den Heilungsweg durch Long Covid aus eingener Erfahrung kenne und VIEL gelernt habe, biete ich dir mein Wissen zu den Themen Long Covid, Disreguliertes Nervensystem, Nervensystemarbeit, Entspannungsarbeit und Stressmanagement an.