Jessy Ng
Everyone has a beautiful voice... but not everyone finds it. So find it! Find the beautiful voice which God has gifted you.Lift up your voices and sing praises unto Our Lord, my dear friends!
Singapore, Church of the Transfiguration, 51 Punggol Central
Singapore, Church of the Transfiguration, 51 Punggol Central Mostrar no mapa1-1 vocal training
1-1 vocal training (children's choir)
Professor Swanberg 2023-2024
Office hour appointments to discuss any class content, personal needs, or questions you have related to professional psychology
LCI Barcelona
LCI Barcelona posa a la disposició de tots els estudiants un servei de suport per a casos amb necessitats específiques per al bon desenvolupament d'aprenentatge o dificultats que requereixin suport durant el curs ja siguin individuals com a
Reynolds School District Instructional Coaching Team
Treinamentos Eventos educacionais Treinamentos Language Courses Agendamento de entrevistas
We offer support with implementation and refinement of instructional initiatives through training, collaborative problem-solving, and collaborative innovation.Please select from our service options and follow prompts to schedule an initial meeting&nb
Linda Rodriguez Piano Studio
SUMMER 2019 PIANO LESSONSAll students are required a minimum of 6 lessons over the summer in order to hold your place in the studio for the fall term. It is absolutely OK to set up more than one lesson in a week in order to meet the 6