Réservations BSC
Espace de coworkingBureaux privatisésSalle de réunionDomiciliationSystème de visioconférenceParticulier ? Professionnel ? Association ? Formateur ?Nous avons les espaces qu'il vous faut !
MARCHEPRIME, 16, avenue de la Côte d'Argent, Immeuble Markaprima
MARCHEPRIME, 16, avenue de la Côte d'Argent, Immeuble Markaprima Mostrar no mapaEcureuil 1h
Ecureuil 4h
Ecureuil 9h
Southwest Hot Tubs
Southwest Hot TubsRental / Hire from £59.99 Choose from 5 packages Eco / Standard / Chillout / Luxury / VIP All major credit cards accepted Paypal and Apple pay acceptedCancellation fee is £39.99Bookings can be amended for later dates with 5 d
Standard Package (4 Person Tub) - 1 Day Hire
Standard Package (4 Person Tub) - 2 Days Hire
Standard Package (4 Person Tub) - 3 Days Hire
Bad Moon Cafe
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Welcome to Bad Moon Cafe's table booking system. Tables can be booked 1 month in advance. Looking to book for a group of 9 or more? Please contact us!
Up to 4 people - £7 per person
Up to 6 people - £7 per person
Up to 8 people - £7 per person
Ashley Low Photography and Bloom Photography
Ashley Low Photography aims to be a person’s “company”, a friend and a service provider. To be where one goes to create great memories and where one leaves with a warm heart, knowing that they enjoyed our unique service and product offerings.
Singapore, 110 Lor 23 Geylang, Victory Centre, #05-12
Singapore, 110 Lor 23 Geylang, Victory Centre, #05-12 Mostrar no mapaNewborn Photoshoot (Studio)
Newborn Photoshoot (Home)
Fine Art Family Photoshoot (Studio)

Jamaica Society Leeds
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Jamaica Society Leeds is one of the UK’s most revered Jamaican community organisations. Founded by six first generation Jamaicans in 1977, we fly the flag for Jamaica, land we love, and Leeds, the city we love and champion the preservation and herita
Hall & kitchen heating food only - £55.00 per hour
Hall with full use kitchen facilities - £70.00 per hour

Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
The Hall of Rock es una empresa que nace desde la necesidad de nosotros, como músicos, de gestionar un lugar para perfeccionar nuestro arte y crear una comunidad con los mismos objetivos y valores de creatividad, aceptación y amor por la música. Con
Bogotá, Cra. 17 #61a-40, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Avenida Carrera 17, Con Calle 63
Bogotá, Cra. 17 #61a-40, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Avenida Carrera 17, Con Calle 63 Mostrar no mapaAlquiler Sala de ensayo 0 (Solista - Practica libre)
Alquiler Estudio de grabación
EBPCO Community Darkroom
Thanks for your interest in the EBPCO Darkroom! We're located only a few blocks from OPW in downtown Oakland. The darkroom is be available to current members of EBPCO who complete an orientation, beginning in the first week of June. To sign up for yo
Print Space - Printing 2 hour
Dry Space - Print Finishing 1 hour

Olivier Gisiger Photographies
A Photo Workshop for Original PortraitsThe Olivier Gisiger Photographs workshop is a professional photo studio dedicated to Portrait.Olivier is an “Image Director” specializing in the design and creation of original and creative visuals based on the
Bussigny-sur-Lausanne, Chemin du Vallon 30
Bussigny-sur-Lausanne, Chemin du Vallon 30Bussigny-sur-Lausanne, Chemin du Vallon 30
Mostrar no mapaChemin du Vallon 30, 1030, Bussigny
Mostrar no mapa