IT Symposium/Xpo - Orlando: Exclusive Member Meeting Center
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Gartner Executive Programs, Gartner for CIOs, Gartner for Midsize Enterprise CIO members and Majestic prospects are able to book a private space within the Exclusive Member Meeting Center during the conference to meet with their team, take a private
Barcelona, Exclusive Member Meeting Center, Mezzanine 2, International Barcelona Convention Center
Barcelona, Exclusive Member Meeting Center, Mezzanine 2, International Barcelona Convention Center Mostrar no mapaMeeting Room 2 (6 person)
Meeting Room 3 (6 person)
Meeting Room 1- Zoom Capable (10 Person)
The Australian Institute of Professional Pathways (AIPP)
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
AIPP (The Australian Institute of Professional Pathways) is proudly Australia’s Intern provider of choice & booster of student employability™. We work with government agencies, universities, colleges, and individuals from all over the world to organi
Sydney, Level 3, 478 George St, New South Wales
Sydney, Level 3, 478 George St, New South WalesSydney, Level 3, 478 George St, New South Wales
Mostrar no mapaFace-to-Face Consultation
One-to-One Consultation
Educational Institution Goals Assessment Consultation

Private Bootsausflüge Potsdam
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Entdecken Sie die Magie von privaten Bootsausflügen Ihr individuelles Abenteuer auf der Potsdamer Havel Ein Bootsausflug mit der "CASA MIA" ist ein besonderes Erlebnis!Ob romantische Auszeit zu zweit, Feiern mit der Familie, Zeit mit den besten
4h Bootstour "Havelland" mit Skipper-Mindestzahl Gäste 4.
4h Bootstour mit Skipper "7 SEEN Potsdamer-Berliner Gewässer" - Mindestanzahl Gäste 4.
IT Symposium/Xpo Barcelona - Exclusive Member Meeting Center
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Executive Program Legacy Standalone/Team Leader/Members, Executive Programs V2 Standalone/Team Leader/CIO Team Seat, Gartner for CIOs Standalone/Team Leader/Members, Gartner for Mid-Size Enterprise CIOs, and Majestic Prospects can book a private
Barcelona, Passeig del Taulat, 11-14, CCIB Level M2
Barcelona, Passeig del Taulat, 11-14, CCIB Level M2 Mostrar no mapaMeeting Room 1 (10 pax)
Meeting Room 2 (6 pax)
Meeting Room 3 (6 pax)
Friday Evening
Saturday Afternoon Childrens Party
All Day Wedding Reception
In Love With Reims
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Première édition de l'événement In Love With Reims, regroupant un certain nombre d'exposants liés à l'univers du mariage. Cet événement se déroulera les 1er et 2 octobre 2022, au Caveau Castelnau à Reims.
Créateurs mode

Rampage Waterslide
Wild Rapid Waterslide
Red Spartan Slide
Raise the Bar Fitness Center
Rheumatologist Eventos (regulares e recorrentes) Academias Fitness
Walk, jump, lift, row, pull, stretch, and run your way to the Raise the Bar fitness center inside of the GRC.Featuring: 12 Cardio Machines and 2,890 LBS to Move!
Eventos (regulares e recorrentes)
Welcome to our exceptional waterfront bar! Nestled in a stunning industrial warehouse, our venue boasts a rich history as a former brewery, exuding an authentic charm that is sure to captivate you. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere as you in