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- GP (General Practitioner)
- Hematologist
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- Rheumatologist
- Sports Doctor
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Coorace IDF
Coorace Île-de-France est un réseau d'acteurs de l'Insertion par l'Activité économique qui promeut l'utilité sociale et territoriale de ce secteur
Emilie Boisson Réflexologue titre RNCP // Drainage lymphatique manuel // Massages
Réflexologie plantaire , palmaire , cranio faciale , dorsale Drainage lymphatique manuel (corps , jambes , visage ) ,Lunettes PSIOMassages
réflexologie plantaire = 60 €
Réflexologie palmaire = 40€
réflexologie cranio faciale = 60 €
Santo Domingo , Calle Manuel maría castillo 5
Santo Domingo , Calle Manuel maría castillo 5 Mostrar no mapaPre Op Prep
Set Me Up!
Hold my Hand
Beyond Hypnotherapy
Beyond Hypnotherapy helps you heal on all levels from past emotional trauma, as well as overcome phobias, reprogram limiting beliefs and uncover your true life purpose and soul’s mission. By using a unique combination of powerful modalities including
Total Acupuncture Clinic
We are open Monday to Saturday 8:30 am to 6:30 pm and Sunday 10:30 am to 2 pm. Office hours are by appointment only. Please call 403.452.3688 if you can't book through the online booking.For same day appointments before 11 am please call Dr
Acupuncture 1st visit ( $120 regular about 60 minutes )
Acupuncture follow up visit ( $90 regular about 45 minutes )
Clinica Psi
A psicoterapia é uma ferramenta fundamentalpara o desenvolvimento de nosso bem-estar,nosso relacionamento social e nossa saúde mental.Agende seu horário para consulta on-line.
Rio de Janeiro, Av Geremario Dantas, Freguesia - RJ, Av das Américas 500, barra da Tijuca, RJ
Rio de Janeiro, Av Geremario Dantas, Freguesia - RJ, Av das Américas 500, barra da Tijuca, RJRio de Janeiro, Av Geremario Dantas, Freguesia - RJ, Av das Américas 500, barra da Tijuca, RJ
Mostrar no mapaAv Geremário Dantas, Freguesia
Mostrar no mapaConsulta On-line
Consulta - Plano mensal
Familien Chiro-praxis Berlin
Welcome to the Familien chiropraxis von Jennifer Delaby, Doctor of Chiropractic. Hello and welcome to my family chiropractic practice page.Chiropractic is a primary healthcare for everyone, young and old. Athletes or the elderly. We look fo