Tooth&Go dental clinic
Dentista Casa Pediatra Serviços espirituais Maquiagem
Our clinic serves local and international clients with the newest and most modern treatment options. Please visit our website to learn more about our skills and facilities.

Play Paediatric Consult
Play Paediatric Consult offers outpatient paediatric services through telemedicine, home consultation or clinic visit. You may book for any of the three modes of consultation. Appointment will be confirmed upon payment of stipulated fee via paystack.
Home Consultation
Office Consultation

Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Ophthalmologist Oculista Plastic Surgeon Pediatra
Welcome to Our Practice!

Лекарска практика - Д-р Мечкарови
Нашата практика предлага медицински услуги на високо ниво от опитни и доказани професионалисти.Д-р Васил и Елена Мечкарови имат повече от 30 години опит като лекари. Те са отдадени на своето призвание професионалисти, които предлагат бързо и качестве
Teaching and certifying CPR, First Aid, and AED skills in classes of 5 -25 students at your location.
CPR/AED Only – Adult and Pediatric Classroom
First Aid CPR/AED Adult and Pediatric - Classroom Only

媽媽神救援 國際醫療第二意見諮詢平台
Pediatra Psicólogo Gynecologist GP (General Practitioner)
媽媽神救援 Super Mama 臺灣國際醫療第二意見諮詢平台媽媽神救援讓你不出門、不搭飛機也能線上看臺灣醫生!臺灣首支專為海外華人媽媽打造的國際遠距醫療服務,提供婦產科、兒科、家醫科、不孕科、職能治療與心理諮商等線上健康諮詢。我們打造了台灣最具熱忱專業的醫師團隊,以世界級醫療水準,幫助每位海外學子和華人媽媽,解決您從備孕到生產、育兒到小兒的大小問題,媽媽神救援與您一起描繪健康、幸福的美好家庭。Super Mama is the one and first online internationa