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Braunston Fields - Secure Dog Walking Field

Serviços para animal de estimação

At Braunston Secure Dog walking Field we provide a safe stress-free environment for walking, training and exercising your dog without the worry of running off or meeting other dogs. Our field is surrounded by a 6ft fence designed to keep all dogs ins

50 Minute Dog Walk


Измени свою жизнь


Мы команда помогающих специалистов — практикующих психологов и коучей, из различных областей жизни с общими ценностями и принципами, которые объединились для создания поддерживающего и развивающегося сообщества.&nbs

Александра Косова. Индивидуальная коуч-сессия онлайн.

80,00 €

예스이십사 도서팀 미팅 예약

Assessoria de Negócios

미팅 시간 : 매주 월~목 14:00 - 15:30(회차별 15분 / 일 6회)미팅 예약은 2주전부터 가능하며,분야별 1일 6회로 제한됩니다.예약 후 MD 승인 >  확인 메일 수신 시예약이 완료됩니다.(미 수신시 예약 보류)확정된 경우 상단 예약현황 메뉴에서확인 가능합니다. 선착순 마감되며 MD 일정에 따라취소 후 안내드릴 수 있습니다.미팅 예약이 어려우신 경우 담당 MD에게이메일로 업무 내용을 보내 주세요.확인 후 연락 드리겠

Location icon

서울, 국회대로68길, 일신빌딩 지하 1층 라운지

서울, 국회대로68길, 일신빌딩 지하 1층 라운지 Mostrar no mapa

경제경영 자기계발


Paul McKay - Golf Coach


Simply Better Golf. Guaranteed.Golf technology has boomed over the past 20 years.  Every aspect of your swing can now be analysed and monitored - but has it made for better golfers? For Tour Pros, perhaps, but for everyone else, I don't think so. Too

Free Assessment Session


60 Minute Golf Lesson £50


30 Minute Junior Lesson (age 3-17) £17.50


Disrupt Marketing


Branding & Marketing ExpertOn & Offline. 10 years sales & marketing experience.We help:Build a powerful brand identityTell your story to the world through highly engaging contentCreate high converting marketing campaigns to reach your ide

Branding & Marketing


Music Marketing


Branding & Marketing Coaching



Counselling/Consulting Serviços financeiros Advogados Câmaras municipais Serviços legais connects you with professional service providers, real estate, banks, legal services, accountants, etc.

Real estate agent (Online meeting)


Real estate agent (Office meeting)


Real estate & restaurant private tour


Dog Jim Training

Serviços para animal de estimação

Dog training delivered by Search and Rescue Dog Handler, Jim Jim is a dog handler with Staffordshire Search and Rescue Team and a member of the National Search and Rescue Dog Association (NSARDA).  He currently handles Jake, a fully qualifi

8 Week basic training course- Starts 11th August 2022


Kathleen Birch

Salas de reuniões Facial Treatments Sobrancelhas e cílios Tratamentos capilares Body Treatments Tanning salon Massage Salão de manicure Language Courses Meditation Serviços espirituais

Kathleen Birch is an inspirational holistic skincare therapist. She has been a leading light in the professional beauty industry for over 35 years. Since July 1994 Kathleen has been running a private practice from her home-based, spacious

Lifeskills Institute Pte Ltd

Assessoria de Negócios

#projectupLIft is a campaign that aims to help people navigate their personal and workplace challenges by equipping them with the life skills that are necessary to overcome this pandemic. 

Career/Life Coaching


Epic Car Wash & Detailing

Serviços de Limpeza

Veteran Owned BusinessAt our auto detailing business, we are passionate about cars and helping our customers keep their vehicles in pristine condition. We offer a wide range of detailing services, from basic exterior washes to comprehensive interior

Epic Gold Wash


Epic Silver Wash


Epic Hand Wash & Wax
