Peta Stanley - refund for 16/2/25
Belinda Bayes - refund for 10/3/25

Bay Islands Cleaners
Welcome to Bay Islands Cleaners, your premier destination for all your cleaning service needs in Roatan. We take pride in offering top-notch cleaning services to ensure your home is a sanctuary of cleanliness and comfort. Our team of skilled pro
Essential Cleaning - Weekly
Essential Cleaning - One time
Airbnb Check-Out Cleaning - One time

The Magickal Menagerie
Welcome to The Magickal Menagerie, where we offer a wide variety of spiritual services to help you find peace and direction. Based in Allegan, our trained professionals offer a range of services including cleansing and blessing of your location, guid
Allegan, MI, 1466 Lincoln Road , Lincoln Road, 1550
Allegan, MI, 1466 Lincoln Road , Lincoln Road, 1550 Mostrar no mapaAura/Energy Reading
Guided Meditation & Sound Healing
Tarot Reading- Quick Draw

AKIRAの九星氣学風水 school&salon ~ 風水を日常に ~をモットーに活動中。自分をアップデートする手段としての九星氣学風水。生まれた年から割り出す9つの「星」を基盤としそのときどきに合った「氣(生命エネルギー)」を取りに行くつまり、行動することで、自らの運を開いていける約5,000年以上前から活用されている学問であり、知恵。闇雲に自分磨きをする日々は、もうおしまい!あなたの基盤に合った開運アクションで楽しみながら、自分で自分を格上げしていきましょう🎶

NightFall Astrology
Hi, my name is Theodora, the founder of “NightFall Astrology“. I’m a professional astrologer of Bulgarian and Lebanese/Phoenician heritage. “Astrology is the bridge between the scientific and the spiritual”. It uses astronomy, mathematics, psy
Natal chart analysis (1 hour)
Your year ahead horoscope (1h:30mins)
Your 2-3 years ahead (sometimes more) horoscope (2 hours)

Relaxation For Women (& Massage My Health)
Spa Psicólogo Serviços espirituais Massage
Massage My Health - For Women - Blue Mtns & Bathurst Outreach Clinic Professional massage therapy service. Each client request is confidential, individualised and personalised. We specialise in mind, body and soul holistic relaxation therapy
Therapy - Pain, Injury, Sport 1hr $75
Therapy - Pain, Injury, Sport 2hr $125
Cupping - Remedial Therapy 2hr $165

Counselling/Consulting Centrais de Atendimento Assessoria de Negócios Serviços financeiros Treinamentos
Welcome to ArunavaVishalDutta, your one-stop destination for business advisory, counselling, consulting, teaching, tutoring lessons, and financial services in Kolkata.Our comprehensive range of services includes personal financial planning, strategic
General Consulting
System Administration
System Purchase Consulting

Marry me in Italy
Counselling/Consulting Treinamentos
Wir helfen Ihnen Ihre Traumhochzeit in Italien zu realisierenLassen Sie Ihre Träume von einer Hochzeit in Italien wahr werden! Ich bin Ihr persönlicher Hochzeitsplaner und begleite Sie zu Ihrer individuellen Traumhochzeit!Buchen Sie hier ein unverbin
Telefontermin mit unserem persönlichen Hochzeitsplaner
Locationbesprechung mit unserem persönlichen Hochzeitsplaner
SoS Hochzeit - a la carte
Hendred Hounds Secure Dog Field
Serviços para animal de estimação
At Hendred Estate we have a fabulous 3.5 acre facility for you and your dogs to enjoy - Hendred Hounds.Fenced to 1.9m with secure infield parking for up to three cars, you will be able to drive in and allow your dogs to jump out of the car in a safe
Clean Gals
Clean Gals offers premium cleaning services in the New York metro area.