Pretee Little Picnics
We provide Luxury Picnic Experiences for any occasion.Born and raised in Detroit, MI, I'm just a city girl with a passion for event planning & and eye for all things pretty. In 2017, I relocated to Las Vegas, NV. and instantly fell in love with t
The Intimate First Date
The Double Date
Third Base
À tavers mes guidances privées ou mes accompagnements flammes jumelles, je serais là pour vous épauler dans votre chemin de vie pour que chaque étapes se passent en pleine conscience, douceur et compréhension
Tirage 1 domaine
Tirage 2 domaines
Tirage 3 domaines
l'atelier du bien-être Angers -Cholet Stéphanie Baron
Bienvenue à l'atelier du bien-être, deux adresses pour vous servir au 19 rue Marceau à Angers et au 10 rue des Tisserands à Cholet. Stéphanie vous propose des soins adaptés à vos envies pour harmoniser le corps et l'esprit ! Du Reiki à la Cou
Soins énergétique par les cheveux
Séance d'hypnose au coeur de soi
Aromatouch aux huiles essentielles Do terra
shell woken
Serviços espirituais Meditation
Qualified Usui Holy Fire Reiki Level 2 practitioner working distantly and directly with clients, i support each individuals process in full confidentiality and empathy. Transcending a tranquil, relaxing sense of well-being through the healing treatme
70 Mins Distant Holy Fire Reiki Energy Healing
45 Mins 1-1 Reiki Healing Meditation
Com o tarólogo Carlos Miguel, trazemos a vocês a possibilidade de agendar consultas ao tarô no conforto de seu lar. Basta ter uma conexão à internet ativa e aproveitar essa leitura intuitiva que buscará te trazer um maior entendimento e autoconhecime
Consulta ao Tarô com Carlos Miguel
3 perguntas ao tarot
5 perguntas ao tarot
Thai Yoga Massage Session
Service name 5
Thai Yoga Massage for couples
Остеопатия - это совокупность лечебно-диагностических методик альтернативной медицины, рассматривающих в качестве первопричины болезни нарушение взаимоотношения между различными органами и частями тела
Garnet Grimoire
Garnet Grimoire aims to facilitate empowering tarot experiences which supplements clients in their spiritual healing journey. By blending evidence-based practices with integrated healing arts, I can help you to reach your goals in mental wellness. Bo
Hey there, I'm Vy and I am an intuitive empath who has many gifts to share with the world. Right now, I offer chakra readings, which will be a 4-5 card pull with guidance on what chakras are blocked , need to be worked on, and on how to unblock them
Chakra Assessment Reading (45 mins)
Chakra Reading (30 mins)
Quick Chakra Reading (15 mins)
心癒之丘 Healing Hill
心癒之丘 Healing Hill✧ 伴你溫柔的走過療癒之路 ✦當你站上山丘, 便能從更高的視角俯瞰及了解你的所有煩惱。情緒治療|能量療癒插畫|靈氣療癒