希靈克 療癒空間
-請點擊上方預約紐,進入預約服務-預約後,我將與你Email確認希靈克療癒空間信任內在的衝動 落實於每次行動知曉世間之黑暗 謹守內在耀眼光芒療癒師:Alan在求學時期開始接觸占星,於2012年因緣際會開啟了占卜卡與身心靈的學習道路,擅長揉合東西方宗教與身心靈派別,深入淺出地,陪伴你一起與自己連結。現於[希靈克療癒空間],提供個人塔羅諮詢、靈氣服務、頌缽音療等服務。專長:牌卡諮詢(光之藏、天使卡、塔羅牌、占星骰子、易經禪卡) 西方占星臼井靈氣卡魯那靈氣頌缽音療★為
Luxury for women who deserve it.... our service includes teeth whitening*whole body vibration *ultrasound cavitation *radio frequency* laser lipo *vacuum therapy *wood therapy *Butt enhancement *body wraps *infrared sauna
BUTT Plumping (1 Session)
Body Contouring (1 Session)
Ultrasound Cavitation
BEST Healing Montana
Welcome to BEST Healing Montana, providing you with holistic healing, energy balancing to promote wellness of body, mind and spirit. Be on the path to wellness and living your best life with Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique or Reiki. Distance
Missoula, 2831 Fort Missoula Road Building 2, Suite 304 Missoula, MT 59804
Missoula, 2831 Fort Missoula Road Building 2, Suite 304 Missoula, MT 59804 Mostrar no mapaB.E.S.T. Session - Office Visit
B.E.S.T. - Remote Distance Session
Reiki - Office Visit
Toilettage Luna
Toilettage Chiens, chats et rongeurs toutes races. Une toiletteuse diplômée et expérimentée dans le région de Mons saura prodiguer les meilleurs à votre compagnon.
Chiens 5-10kg poils ras: Jack Russell, Bouledogue français.
Chiens 5-10kg poils long: Yorkshire, Bichon, Shitsu.
Chiens 10-40kg poils ras: Labrador, American Staff, Rotweiller.
Positive Mind Hypnotherapy Services
Positive Mind Hypnotherapy is located in the locality of Swansea. As a skilled hypnotherapist, I offer various techniques that help individuals overcome challenges such as stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. My services go beyond just hy
Performance iV
We offer nutritional iv drips in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee's hottest area of 37209, "The Nations". We serve all of Nashville and the surrounding areas. Performance iV's Nutrient Infusion Formulas are used to deliver vitamins an
Nashville-Davidson, 6100 Centennial Boulevard
Nashville-Davidson, 6100 Centennial Boulevard Mostrar no mapaEmbrace My Brows
Embrace My Brows is a premier destination in San Antonio, US for those desiring beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows that are tailored to perfection. Specializing in nanobrows, our expert technicians use cutting-edge techniques to create meticulously
San Antonio, 22015 I-10 Suite #203, Located Inside Regenerate Laser Spa
San Antonio, 22015 I-10 Suite #203, Located Inside Regenerate Laser Spa Mostrar no mapaNanobrows
Nanobrows with Powder or Shading
Top-Up (Second Session)
Naitre accompagné
Je vous propose des soins bien être et des ateliers en pré et post natal. Des soins pour apporter soutien, bien être et écoute aux femmes et hommes dans la parentalité. Et des ateliers et soins parents et bébés centrés sur le développement émotion