Vous étudiez à l'EPFL ? Vous avez des questions concernant la recherche documentaire, la citation ou le plagiat ?Prenez gratuitement rendez-vous avec un bibliothécaire en choisissant la date et l'heure de votre formation.Studying at EPFL? Have que
Lausanne, Rolex Learning Center, Station 20
Lausanne, Rolex Learning Center, Station 20 Mostrar no mapaOù et comment chercher de l’info ? / Where and how to search for information?
Comment optimiser mes résultats de recherche ? / How to optimize my search results?
Comment me tenir à jour sur un sujet ? / How to keep up-to-date on a topic ?
Get friendly and ethical writing support here for your bachelor's writing needs! Our email address is writingfellow@sabanciuniv.eduThe Peer Writing Fellows are back with online appointments this semester!! We are looking forward to assi

Colégios Universidades Treinamentos
Student Support Services at Eastern Oklahoma State College. TRiO Student Support Services is a support system to help first-generation, low income, and students with disabilities succeed at Eastern Oklahoma State College. Our goal is to help the
Wilburton, Johnston Hall 1301 West Main
Wilburton, Johnston Hall 1301 West MainWilburton, Johnston Hall 1301 West Main
Mostrar no mapaClarke Bass Building 1802 College Avenue, 74501, McAlester
Mostrar no mapaJohnston Hall 1301 West Main, 74578, Wilburton
Mostrar no mapa
Sistema di prenotazione per gli studenti dell'istituto tecnico industriale "G.Galilei". Sistema in fase di test. *Gli utenti non autorizzati saranno bloccati*.
CIAD provides an integrative environment where several student support services work in collaboration with each other and with other related units of the university.
1st Floor, University Center (UC) building
1st Floor, University Center (UC) building Mostrar no mapaStudents with Special Needs Appointment/Özel İhtiyaçlı (Engelli) Öğrenci Destek Birimi

The From Digital Skills to Tangible Outcomes (DiSTO) Kuwait project is the first survey in the Middle East to measure digital access, skill, outcomes, and satisfaction levels. It is run jointly by researchers from the Gulf University of Science a
Monash University Clinical Ultrasound - short courses training
Monash University clinical ultrasound short courses offer a unique combination of flexible online delivery and practical hands on ultrasound skills training at clinical sites. This innovative learning initiative is a new educational partnership betwe