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BUD - Supporting Leaders for Positive Change


  • 星期日

    上午9:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期一

    上午7:30 - 下午10:00

  • 星期二

    上午7:30 - 下午10:00

  • 星期三

    上午7:30 - 下午10:00

  • 星期四

    上午7:30 - 下午10:00

  • 星期五

    上午7:30 - 下午10:00

  • 星期六

    上午9:00 - 下午6:00


At BUD we supporting leaders for positive change in their businesses and communities. Many leaders are called into leadership by default without the right support and tools to be able to lead themselves and others, this can sometimes feel like an unwanted burden.

We believe that leadership should never feel like a burden and that we are all leaders in our own right. When we begin to uncover our true values and feel confident within ourselves we can then trust our leadership. And when we learn how to be facilitative leaders we uncover new truths that leadership is in fact a gift and a tool to bring people together to do great things and not the burden we once dreaded

Our programmes are designed to equip, enable and empower individuals to go through that very journey in any stage of their leadership.

Join BUD to discover how to lead yourself and how to lead others 



Georgina Wilson- Lead Positive Change

Lead Positive Change (BUD)

Eleanor Owen

Sarah Adefehinti

Mark Bixter



BUD 1:1 Mentoring / Coaching Support for Positive Change

45 分鐘

At BUD we realise that there are thousands of people with visions and ideas for creating positive change in their communities and businesses. We also realised that sometimes all we need is a bit of support and a helping hand to get started or to keep


Discovery Taster Session

45 分鐘

Start your process of transformation here. Book your taster session to get a feel for what will happen and to connect with your potential coach, we will find out more about you and how best we can support you through any areas that you feel are holdi


Transformational Leadership Packages

60 分鐘

1:1 Transformational Coaching Session


Transformational Coaching

60 分鐘

Transformation coaching for leaders of businesses and communities


Becoming a facilitator chat

20 分鐘

20 minute chat about facilitating with BUD


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