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LSB Liverpool Street


  • 星期日


  • 星期一

    08:30 - 21:00

  • 星期二

    08:30 - 21:00

  • 星期三

    08:30 - 17:15

  • 星期四

    08:30 - 17:15

  • 星期五

    08:30 - 17:15

  • 星期六

    09:30 - 17:15


13 Artillery Lane, London E1 7LPWelcome to the highest standard of barbers. All haircuts are done by qualifying barbers and are double-checked by our master barber educators so that you leave happy.PLEASE DO ENSURE YOU TAKE A LOOK AT THE INFOGRAPHIC ABOVE AND READ THE DESCRIPTION ON EACH CATEGORY TO ENSURE YOU BOOK THE CORRECT OPTION.



LIV St Extra Demo- clipper

LIV St Demo- 2+ clipper-

LIV St Demo- 1 fade

LIV St Demo-0.5

LIV St Demo- 0 fade

LIV St Demo- ANY scissor - 2

LIV St Demo- DROP (FOIL, skin FADE)


LIV St Demo- Beard

LIV St Demo- Shave -

Liv St wk3 16/12 AM MON paired CLIPPER cuts Guaranteed x 2

Liv St wk3 17/03 PM MON paired CLIPPER cuts Standby x 4

LIV ST Short course 3wk 15/7 AM wk3 all cuts x1

LIV St L3 16/12 WK2 PM mon Standby X4

LIV St Extra Demo- scissor

LIV St 14/10 WK7-9 PM Guaranteed X8

LIV St 24/02 WK4-8 AM Guaranteed X6

LIV ST 01/7 AM wk9 Guaranteed X4

LIV St 14/10 WK7-9 PM standby X9

LIV St Extra Demo- skin fade

LIV ST 01/7 AM wk9 standby X2

LIV ST Short course 11/11 PM skin fades standby x1

LIV St 03/02 WK4-9 AM guaranteed X5

LIV St 4/11 WK4-9 AM Standby X6

Liv St L3 13/1 Wk2-3 AM FULL MONTYS Guaranteed X5

LIV St L3 24/02 wk3 AM Tues-Thurs Guaranteed x7

LIV St L3 13/1 wk3 AM Tues-Thurs standby x4

Liv St wk3 17/03 PM TUES 0.5 fades paired cuts STANDBY x 5

Liv St wk3 4/11 AM Weds 0.5 fades paired cuts Guaranteed x 5

Liv St wk3 17/03 PM WED 0 fades paired cuts Standby x 5

Liv St wk3 25/11 AM Thurs 0 fades paired cuts Guaranteed x 3

LIV ST Short course 13/1 PM fri all cuts x2

LIV St L3 117/03 WK2 PM Mon Guaranteed X5

Liv St L3 13/1 Wk2-3 AM FULL MONTYS Standby X6

LIV ST Short course 11/11 PM Thurs skin fades x2

LIV St 03/02 WK4-8 AM Standby X3

LIV ST short course 11/11 PM clipper standby x2

LIV ST Short course 11/11 PM 0.5 fades standby X2

LIV ST Short course 11/11 PM 0 fades standby X2

LIV ST 15/8 Skin Fade STANDBY X1

LIV St 05/03 AM- Shave standbys x1

LIV St 22/7 WK7-8 PM standby X2

LIV St 22/7 WK7-8 PM Guaranteed X3

Liv St wk3 17/03 AM MON paired CLIPPER cuts Standby x 5

Liv St wk3 17/03 AM TUES paired 0.5 cuts Standby x 6

Liv St wk3 17/03 AM WED paired 0 cuts Standby x 6

Liv St wk3 17/03 AM THURS single cuts Standby x 10

LIV St L3 25/11 wk3 AM-PM Tues-Thurs standby x5

LIV St L3 03/02 wk3 PM Tues-Thurs Guaranteed x5

LIV ST 03/02 PM wk4-7 guaranteed X6

LIV ST short course 11/11 AM standby clipper x1

LIV ST Short course 11/11 AM 0.5 fades standby X3

LIV ST Short course 11/11 AM 0 fades standby X1

LIV St L3 13/1 WK1 AM Fri ( BLOW OUT) Guaranteed x5

LIV ST Short course 11/11 AM fri all cuts x4

Liv St L3 02/10 Wk2-3 PM FULL MONTYS Standby X2

Liv St L3 13/1 Wk2-3 PM FULL MONTYS Guaranteed X4

LIV ST Short course 3wk 26/8 PM wk2 Mon & Thurs cut and beard standby x1

LIV ST Short course 3wk 15/7 AM wk2 Tue & Fri scissor cuts standby X1

LIV ST 17/03 AM wk4-9 standby X4

Liv St wk3 13/1 PM Mon paired CLIPPER cuts Guaranteed x 3

Liv St wk3 13/1 PM TUES paired 0.5 cuts Guaranteed x 3

Liv St wk3 13/1 PM WED paired 0 cuts Guaranteed x 3

Liv St wk3 23/9 AM Fri single cuts guaranteed x 5

LIV St EVE PM COMP Guaranteed x8

LIV St 21/2 AM COMP Standby x8

Liv St wk3 03/02 PM THURS all fades cuts Standby x 8

LIV ST Educator cuts

Liv St wk16-23 19/2 eve all cuts Guaranteed x 3

LIV ST 13/1 PM wk4-9 Standby X5

LIV St Sat 05/10 COMP Guaranteed x10

LIV ST skin fades 13/01 PM standby X4

Liv St L3 17/1 Wk1 PM Thurs (0 FADE OR FOIL) Guaranteed x 4

Liv St L3 13/1 Wk1 PM Thurs (0 FADE OR FOIL) Standby x1

LIV St L3 13/1 WK2 AM Mon-Tues Guaranteed X4

LIV St L3 13/1 WK2 AM mon-tues Standby X4

Liv St L3 07/04 Wk1 AM Thurs (0 FADE OR FOIL) Guaranteed x6

Liv St L3 13/1 Wk1 AM Thurs (0 FADE OR FOIL) Standby x3

LIV St L3 4/11 WK1 AM Fri ( BLOW OUT) Standby x2

LIV St L3 07/04 WK1 AM Fri ( BLOW OUT) Guaranteed x6

LIV St L3 24/02 WK2 AM Mon Guaranteed X6

LIV St L3 24/02 WK2 AM Mon Standby X2

Liv St L3 24/2 Wk2-3 AM FULL MONTYS Guaranteed X4

Liv St L3 24/2 Wk2-3 AM FULL MONTYS Standby X4

LIV ST Saturdays wk8-19 AM & PM Standby X4

LIV ST Saturdays wk8-19 AM & PM Guaranteed x7

LIV ST Short course 3wk 26/8 PM wk2 Tue & Fri scissor cuts standby X1

LIV St L3 13/1 WK1 AM Fri ( BLOW OUT) Standby x3

LIV ST Short course 17/03 wk3 AM All cuts x1

LIV St Demo-Extra 0.5

LIV St L3 17/1 WK1 PM Fri ( BLOW OUT) Guaranteed x4

LIV St L3 13/1 WK1 PM Fri ( BLOW OUT) Standby x2

LIV St 17/03 WK4-9 AM Guaranteed X6

LIV ST Saturdays wk8 ALL cuts paired AM & PM Standby X2

LIV ST Saturdays wk8 ALL cuts paired AM &PM Guaranteed X3

LIV ST Saturdays wk6 clipper cuts paired PM guaranteed X3

LIV ST Saturdays wk6 clipper cuts paired PM standby X6

LIV ST Saturdays wk7 0 cuts paired PM standby X6

LIV ST Saturdays wk7 0.5 cuts paired AM standby X6

LIV ST Saturdays wk7 0 cuts paired PM Guaranteed X3

LIV ST Saturdays wk7 0.5 cuts paired AM Guaranteed X3

Liv St wk7 30/9 eve mon paired 0.5 cuts guaranteed x 3

Liv St wk7 30/9 eve mon paired 0.5 cuts Standby x 2

Liv St wk7 30/9 eve tues paired 0 cuts Standby x 5

Liv St wk7 30/9 eve tues paired 0 cuts guaranteed x 3

LIV ST Saturdays wk9- 11 ALL cuts AM + PM Standby X4

LIV ST Saturdays wk9-11 ALL cuts AM + PM Guaranteed X6

Liv St EVE wk6 25/11 TUES paired CLIPPER cuts Guaranteed x 3

Liv St EVE wk6 30/9 TUES paired CLIPPER cuts Standby x 3

Liv St wk16 30/9 eve Mon all cuts Guaranteed x 5

Liv St wk8 30/9 eve Mon paired all cuts Standby x 3

Liv St wk8 19/2 eve Tues all cuts Standby x 2

Liv St wk8 19/2 eve Tues all cuts Guaranteed x 2

LIV ST Demo 0 fade Extra

LIV ST Saturdays wk10-11 ALL cuts AM Guaranteed X5

LIV ST Saturdays wk10-11 ALL cuts AM Standby X7

Liv St wk9-23 30/9 eve all cuts Guaranteed x 5

Liv St wk9-23 30/9 eve all cuts Standby x 9




2+ Clipper Cut

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 2 guard or longer from the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro ha


1 Fade

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 1 guard or longer from the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


Same length all around

5 分鐘

Clippers are used with the same guard for a uniform length on the sides and top. Length can be as short as a zero guard and as long as a 5 guard. Takes 15 minutes, or 30 minutes if a beard trim is required as well. Available for all hair types inc Af


Beard Trim with clippers only

5 分鐘

Services are limited to simple beard trims, thinning or removing bulk or length which can be done using either clippers or scissors. Intricate detailing, outlining or shaving that involves prolonged periods near the high-risk zone are NOT carried out


Clipper cut or Fade + Beard Trim

5 分鐘

Clipper cut or Fade . Plus beard thinning or removing bulk or length which can be done using either clippers or scissors. Services in total take up to 1.5 hours.


Full Face Clean Shave

5 分鐘

Shave service is a full-face shave*                                                 *You are required to have sufficient faci


Standby 2+ Clipper Cut

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 2 guard or longer from the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro ha


Standby 1 Fade

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 1 guard or longer from the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


Standby Clipper cut or Fade + Beard Trim

5 分鐘

Clipper cut or Fade . Plus beard thinning or removing bulk or length which can be done using either clippers or scissors. Services in total take up to 1.5 hours.


Standby Same length all around

5 分鐘

Clippers are used with the same guard for a uniform length on the sides and top. Length can be as short as a zero guard and as long as a 5 guard. Takes 15 minutes, or 30 minutes if a beard trim is required as well. Available for all hair types inc Af


Standby Beard Trim with clippers only

5 分鐘

Services are limited to simple beard trims, thinning or removing bulk or length which can be done using either clippers or scissors. Intricate detailing, outlining or shaving that involves prolonged periods near the high-risk zone are NOT carried out


Standby Full Face Clean Shave

5 分鐘

Shave service is a full-face shave*                                                 *You are required to have sufficient faci


Standby Zero (0) Fade

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 0 guard (down to the skin) from the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


£25 Haircut ONLY (any style) with LSB Educator - Liverpool street

5 分鐘

Pay £25 in advance (non refundable, non changeable) for a haircut ONLY (any style), with one of our educators. Service lasts 45 minutes and includes a hair wash.


£35 Haircut (any style) + Beard Trim with LSB Educator - Liverpool street

5 分鐘

Pay £35 in advance (non refundable, non changeable) for a haircut (any style) plus a beard trim, with one of our educators. Service lasts 45 minutes and includes a hair wash. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


Advanced Long Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

This appointment will be with an advanced student. Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look. Hair on sides is cut to LONGER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45-75 minutes with shampoo &amp


Advanced Soft Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

This appointment will be with an advanced student. Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look than would be with clippers. Hair on sides is cut to SHORTER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45


Standby- Advanced Soft Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

This appointment will be with an advanced student. Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look than would be with clippers. Hair on sides is cut to SHORTER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45


Standby- Advanced Long Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

This appointment will be with an advanced student. Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look. Hair on sides is cut to LONGER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45-75 minutes with shampoo &amp


Long Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look. Hair on sides is cut to LONGER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for


Standby Long Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look. Hair on sides is cut to LONGER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for


Soft Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look than would be with clippers. Hair on sides is cut to SHORTER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45-75 minutes with shampoo & style.


Standby Soft Scissor-only Haircut

5 分鐘

Hair is cut entirely with scissors for a softer look than would be with clippers. Hair on sides is cut to SHORTER than 1.0 inch in length. Hair on top is cut to any length requested. Service takes 45-75 minutes with shampoo & style.


Standby Mullet

5 分鐘

The mullet is a hairstyle in which the hair is cut shorter at the front, top and sides, but is longer at the back.Only carried out by an advanced student.Hair is faded evenly around the sides and back (as close as a shave) using an electric razor, an


Foil (skin) Fade

5 分鐘

Hair is faded evenly around the sides and back (as close as a shave) using an electric razor, and gradually gets longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 45-60 minutes with shampoo & style.


Standby Foil (skin) Fade

5 分鐘

Hair is faded evenly around the sides and back (as close as a shave) using an electric razor, and gradually gets longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 45-60 minutes with shampoo & style.



5 分鐘

The mullet is a hairstyle in which the hair is cut shorter at the front, top and sides, but is longer at the back.Only carried out by an advanced student.Hair is faded evenly around the sides and back (as close as a shave) using an electric razor, an


Taper fade

5 分鐘

Hair is normally a 2+ clipper cut back and sides and is faded only around the sideburns and back neckline down to a zero. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 45-60 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


Standby Taper fade

5 分鐘

Hair is normally a 2+ clipper cut back and sides and is faded only around the sideburns and back neckline down to a zero. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 45-60 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


Haircut + Full face Shave - THE BEARD MUST GO!

5 分鐘

Treat yourself to the full monty. A haircut and shave. The haircut can be your choosing of any style. The luxury shave service is a full-face shave (you are required to have sufficient enough growth to benefit best from the full experience of a wet s


Haircut + Partial Beard Shave

5 分鐘

A haircut and partial beard shave. Ideally for those with moustaches, goatee’s and/or partial beards. The haircut can be your choosing of any style. The partial shave service entails a hot towel and a partial shave of the face. Services in total take


Standby Haircut + Partial Beard Shave

5 分鐘

A haircut and partial beard shave. Ideally for those with moustaches, goatee’s and/or partial beards. The haircut can be your choosing of any style. The partial shave service entails a hot towel and a partial shave of the face. Services in total take


Standby Haircut + Full face Shave - THE BEARD MUST GO!

5 分鐘

Treat yourself to the full monty. A haircut and shave. The haircut can be your choosing of any style. The luxury shave service is a full-face shave (you are required to have sufficient enough growth to benefit best from the full experience of a wet s


0.5 Fade

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 0.5 guard  at the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair


Zero Fade

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 0 guard (down to the skin) from the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Scissors used to cut hair on top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style.


Standby 0.5 Fade

5 分鐘

Clippers used on side with a 0.5 guard at the bottom and gradually getting longer into the top. Service takes 60-75 minutes with shampoo & style. Available for all hair types inc Afro hair



60 分鐘

For those who want something a little different. This service is perfect if you have… or are looking to have… CREATIVE CUT & STYLE. Whether it’s a full transformation or maintenance on a ‘way-out’ look you already have then this could be the serv


7 客戶評論
