
  • 星期日

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00

  • 星期一

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00

  • 星期二

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00

  • 星期三

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00

  • 星期四

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00

  • 星期五

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00

  • 星期六

    下午3:00 - 下午4:00


We have found a hidden paradise. Untouched coastal forest, a pristine sandy beach, turquoise water and killer waves. In the spirit of keeping this gem as untouched and natural as possible, but wanting to share this breathtaking beauty with the world, we have established Camp Tarimbang. A zero footprint camp a stones throw away from the beach under the canopy of majestic trees. Come and stay with us and get back to the basics, slow cooked campfire foods, fresh fish from the bay, homemade baked bread in the mornings while staying in the forest and being at one with the forest. Read a book, listen to the waves in the background and breathe.

Get offline for a change and reconnect.


Tent 3

Tent 1

The whole camp

Tent 4

Tent 5

Tent 2

Tent 11

Tent 12

Tent 14

Tent 15

Tent 13

Tent 10

Tent 9

Tent 8

Tent 7

Tent 6


Service icon

1 day full room and board

60 分鐘

Stay at Camp Tarimbang for 1 day including room and board. The meals include home made bread fro breakfast, and rice with vegetable and locally caught fish or chicken for lunch and dinner. Vegan and Vegetarian options are also available. Please

Service icon

2 days full room and board

120 分鐘

Stay at Camp Tarimbang for 2 days including room and board. The meals include home made bread fro breakfast, and rice with vegetable and locally caught fish or chicken for lunch and dinner. Vegan and Vegetarian options are also available. Please

Service icon

3 days full room and board

180 分鐘

Stay at Camp Tarimbang for 3 days including room and board. The meals include home made bread fro breakfast, and rice with vegetable and locally caught fish or chicken for lunch and dinner. Vegan and Vegetarian options are also available. Please

Service icon

4 days full room and board

240 分鐘

Stay at Camp Tarimbang for 4 days including room and board. The meals include home made bread fro breakfast, and rice with vegetable and locally caught fish or chicken for lunch and dinner. Vegan and Vegetarian options are also available. Please

Service icon

5 days full room and board

300 分鐘

Stay at Camp Tarimbang for 5 days including room and board. The meals include home made bread fro breakfast, and rice with vegetable and locally caught fish or chicken for lunch and dinner. Vegan and Vegetarian options are also available. P

Service icon

6 days full room and board

360 分鐘

Stay at Camp Tarimbang for 6 days including room and board. The meals include home made bread fro breakfast, and rice with vegetable and locally caught fish or chicken for lunch and dinner. Vegan and Vegetarian options are also available. Please


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