Company cover image
Company logo

Iris Galleri Norge


  • 星期日

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期一

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期二

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期三

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期四

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期五

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期六

    上午8:00 - 下午8:00


Welcome to Iris Galleri Norge! Based in Heggedal (Asker area), we are a team of professional photographers who work with Iris Photography and prints. Whether you are looking for a fun family photoshoot or need promotional images for your business, we have got you covered.

At Iris Galleri Norge we use the latest techniques, best materials and equipment to ensure that your photographs reflect the highest quality standards.

We understand that booking a photographer can be a daunting task. That's why we aim to make the process as simple and seamless as possible. Contact us today to schedule your photo session with Iris Galleri Norge and let us help you create lifelong memories that you will cherish forever.

We have a few locations available, and you can choose the nearest to you!





Iris photo (1-2 personer)

30 分鐘


Iris photo (3-4 personer)

60 分鐘


Iris photo (mer enn 4 personer)

90 分鐘


Iris photo 1-4 personer med pick-up på Asker togstasjon

60 分鐘

For de som har ikke mulighet å komme til studio med bil vi kan bidra med skyss fra Asker togstasjon. Tjenesten er gratis. Starttid er tiden vi møtes på stasjon. Vi tar kontakt på starttid på telefon og hjelper å finne møtepunkt :)


1 客戶評論
