During supportive therapy sessions, a therapist will listen to what a patient has to say and then provide helpful advice on how to handle the situation. This type of therapy is highly empathic and intended to be uplifting. The goal is to provide emotional support to patients experiencing a difficult time. Considered vital is the promotion of the client's self-esteem. As a patient begins to feel more secure and supported through supportive therapy, their self-esteem may improve. The therapist provides encouragement throughout the patient's efforts to enhance self-esteem.During a session with a mental health professional, this type of therapy affords patients the opportunity to discuss their reality and current circumstances. They will have a forum where they can air their grievances, gain clarity, and hopefully come to terms with what is causing them difficulty. Sometimes, a supportive therapist may simply wish to listen in order to gain a deeper understanding of your circumstances and emotions. The guidance that a therapist can provide will also be essential for assisting patients through these circumstances.Many individuals with mental illness or emotional issues may have difficulty coping with the stresses of daily life. When one's mental health is in poor condition, it can be difficult to continue moving forward. For this reason, numerous individuals require the assistance of reassuring mental health professionals. This can be especially true for patients who lack a solid external system of emotional support. Empathy-based supportive therapy, also known as supportive psychotherapy, can be beneficial.Our primary goal is to facilitate the recovery and development of individuals and couples. This is accomplished by providing a safe space to listen to your concerns, offer assistance, and assist you in reaching your full potential. We believe that when individuals and couples receive consistent and frequent support and feedback, they are able to make progress and reach their goals more quickly.