IQH: Focus sessions offer the same impactful healing and revelations of the IQH: Traditional sessions in a condensed timeframe of 2.5-3 hours. Below you will find a description of the stages of the session.The TopicsEach client is asked to focus on two main topics they wish to heal or explore. These topics can be on anything you desire. Once the client sets the intention to have a session, the HS will start to "show" the client to areas they may wish to focus on during the session through synchronicity, serendipitous events, and inner promptings. Common question topics include:Health Issues, including ones that you have accepted as hereditary or "for life."Purpose and PathRelationship questionsCareer/Employment Guidance on life decisionsSelf-defeating, Self-sabotage patternsDream explanationsConnection with Higher Realms/Higher Self/Guides/Star FamilyClosure with loved ones who have passed onStrange events, time missingPhobias or fearsAscension and New Earth questions, personal and collectiveSetting the Container:The Practitioner guides the client through a short grounding meditation and invites the supportive energies, wisdom, and spiritual guidance for the session. This helps the client feel safe, secure, and connected to their inner being and inner wisdom. At any point during the entire meeting, healing energy transmissions can occur which cause feelings of bliss, unity, insight, and deep emotional healing.The Interview: Getting to Know You The first stage of the session is about setting intentions and building a connection between the Practitioner and the Client. The Practitioner guides the client through questions about their physical, psychological/emotional, and spiritual health to understand what needs to be addressed. The client is asked to share candidly about their life history, relationship history, and significant events that shaped their lives. The client is invited to share from a place of honesty and transparency, revealing any hidden shame, judgment, and fear. Many times, this part of the process is just as important as the Quantum Journey and work with the Higher SelfThe Quantum JourneyClients are guided into a relaxed and focused state through meditative and hypnotic methods to uncover information from the subconscious. Our guiding intention is to be led to important information that is helpful and healing. Everyone receives intuitive information differently. Often the information comes via inner visuals but can also come through other intuitive senses like inner hearing, inner feeling, inner smelling, inner taste, and inner knowing. You are never shown anything that will harm you in any way. Often these are experiences from the past and past lives. Although, some clients experience future events, experiences in the Spiritual Realms, or other experiences that hold keys and information for healing and expanding one's consciousness.Working with the Higher Self/Consciousness:Once we have explored several scenes and the client is sufficiently relaxed, we ask for permission to speak with and interview the Higher Self, the Higher Consciousness of the client. Once permission has been granted, we can proceed with the next segments of the session and get additional information and healing.Body-Scan: Healing the physical, vital, mental, intellectual, and spiritual levelsWe invite the HS to begin a body scan to find areas of client that need healing. Blockages and imbalances are brought into awareness, and we are told what has caused the issue and what understanding/learning/action is needed to heal completely. Once this is shared, we ask for healing to begin. Clients typically describe light frequencies and energy movement working on the issue from the deepest levels. It is common for body temperature to fluctuate, pulsating sensations to travel through the body, and other signs of healing. We continue scanning the body until the HS says we are complete. We do a final scan for negative energy attachments to ensure the client is completely clear before proceeding to the next stage. Final Questions and Closing the Quantum Journey:As the HS continues the healing, the Practitioner asks any final questions that have not been answered yet from the client's list of questions. Once the HS has confirmed that they have reached completion, the client is slowly brought back into conscious awareness.Integration Chat Every client is in various levels of awareness throughout the Journey and Work with the Higher Self. Some clients feel that they were consciously present for the whole session or parts of the experience. While others feel that they were asleep for the whole experience. We can receive divine healing and insight in any state of consciousness, and you will experience the session in a way that is most appropriate for your life path. During the Integration Chat, we will have an overview of the information received during the session and talk about how to integrate this new information into your life with grace and ease.Working Together in the FutureEach Practitioner has unique options to continue working with them. This could include additional IQH sessions, spiritual life coaching and mentorship, or other offerings. Be sure to ask your practitioner how you can keep the journey going.The Session RecordingThe practitioner will also share how to receive your recording of the Quantum Journey and work with Higher Self. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR RECORDING ASAP EVEN IF YOU REMEMBER THE SESSION. The recording is a "living recording" and will offer more insight and meaning when you listen to it. We recommend listening to it ASAP (within a week) and frequently. *Please do not listen to it while driving.Closing with GratitudeEach session is completed with a final mediation to anchor in the new information and to send gratitude for the opportunity to awaken and heal together. Fee: $300Minimum 50% deposit due upon scheduling. You will be redirected to a payment page after scheduling is confirmed.