Studio Pansa
Studio Pansa is a large professional workspace in Amsterdam where anyone can work with clay and ceramics. In our maker space, you can work freely as a member, or join one of our many pottery courses and workshops. It’s your own shared studio, wit
TBArt Studio
Творческая СТУДИЯ "TBArt Studio" – это арт-пространство, нацеленное на развитие внутреннего творческого потенциала, ведь каждый человек индивидуален, каждый человек - личность! И как не бывает одинаковых людей, так и не бывает одинаковых работ.Привет
Arte al Sole
語言課程 藝術課程 專業攝影 設計顧問 法律事務所 專業諮詢顧問 寵物用品店 健身課程 課程學習體驗 文化辦事處&領事館 設備租借
Arte al Sole brings families on a creative cultural adventure through city streets or the Italian countryside, while teaching them about the art, culture, history, stories, language and even cooking of Italy. Private tours, cooking classes or art wor
Atelier In de Hoge Hoed
In de Hoge Hoed, gevestigd in Koog aan de Zaan, biedt een verfrissende en nieuwe ervaring aan voor kunstliefhebbers die willen leren schilderen in een comfortabele en inspirerende omgeving. Wij zijn een bedrijf dat zich specialiseert in kunstlessen e

Plotterspielereien Christine Mangold
Wir bieten Plotterkurse für alle Marken ( Brother, cricut und Silhouette)Plotter Kursleiterin Hallo, ich bin Christine von Plotterspielereien und das Plotten ist meine Leidenschaft. Seit ein paar Jahren plotte ich und probiere immer neue Varianten un

The New Sewing School
The New Sewing School is a start-up Sewing School offering mixed level courses taught in English in Amsterdam. Our classes are theory based, practise-led to give students the confidence in becoming an independent sewist.Grounded in Amsterdam, we are

Indigo Music
Hello, my name is Indigo! I am a Singer/Songwriter and Performer based out of Houston, TX. I recieved my B.A. in Music Performance from Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas and I have a combined 10+ Years of experience in Music, Music Education a

Artbreak studio
Artbreak Studio成立於2022,提供不同的工作坊體驗,包括Tufting毛氈藝術、肌理畫、樹脂流體畫、流體及手繪熊仔工作坊。小班授課,為求每位客人都可以得到貼心周詳嘅指導,製作心目中的作品。品牌理念是希望大家可以感受繁忙生活中的一點小幸福,練習把生活的重心放到自己身上,調整自己在生活中的重量同時感受藝術創作的樂趣。✿ Take an artbreak ✿1.請細讀網頁選單目的收費詳情,預約須知,選圖建議等資料2.按預約按鈕進行預約3.選擇上課方案/人數/日期