Oxford Psychotherapy
Sometimes life gets harder than we’d like. When that happens, it’s good to have someone to talk to. I’m a psychotherapist offering a modern approach to psychotherapy and counselling. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or you just feel
Amanda Maitre Thérapie Brève
Psychopraticienne pour les Enfants, Adolescents et AdultesConsultations en Thérapie Brève selon le modèle de Palo AltoLes sujets de consultation sont divers et variés et peuvent être : D'ordre individuel Angoisses, phobies, cris
Luca Morselli Psicologo
Svolgo interventi di consulenza e sostegno psicologico mirati a problematiche di insonnia, di ansia, dell’umore, da stress, gestione delle emozioni e miglioramento dell’autostima. Mi occupo inoltre di coaching focalizzato al miglioramento della perfo
Terapia com ACOLHIMENTO HUMANIZADOObjetivo é ensinar ao paciente monitorar seus gatilhos de ansiedade e compreendê-los a partir da sua história de vida, ajudá-lo a encontrar seus verdadeiros caminhos, a ser quem realmente é, sem máscarassem julgament
The Open Connections
We are a Psychological Services specialising in Body-Based Psychotherapy, Experiential Therapy and Psychological support for parents and families. We are highly skilled practitioners in the area of:1. Psychosomatic distress in Children, Adolescen
FisioHAR RC - es un centro creado con el propósito de llevar la atención fisioterapéutica que reciben los atletas de alto rendimiento.A toda nuestra población de deportistas profesionales, amateur y toda la población que quiere recibir el servicio qu
Certifiée en tant que Psychopraticienne en thérapie brève, TCC , Psycho-généalogiste, Sophrologue ( par des établissements privés sérieux partenaire d'université: paris et de Mons , par des professeurs en exercice en tant que psychiatre, psychologue
Transformations Counseling Group
WELCOME TO TRANSFORMATIONS COUNSELING GROUP, LCSW PLLCTransformation is a universal constant affecting your entire life. Almost all transformation and the events leading up to it can be a source of great joy or intense fear and pain. However, many ch