Be More Do More Sports Performance Training
BMDM is committed to providing training and sports development year-round. We aim to help girls reach their full athletic potential. We focus on the basics & pure fundamentals: including conditioning, knowledge of the game, and discipline.
Be Strong - Entrenamiento Personalizado
Somos un CENTRO ESPECIALIZADO EN ENTRENAMIENTO PERSONALIZADO, contamos con un staff de profesionales altamente calificados los cuales enseñan y supervisan a cada alumno durante sus entrenamientos, garantizando resultados rápidos y duraderos. Nuestro
Yoga Iyengar Vannes
Le Centre de Yoga Iyengar de Vannes vous propose des cours de niveaux variés pour tous âges, de débutants à expérimentés, dans un espace aménagé pour les spécificités de cette pratique. Notre professeure certifiée et expérimentée dispose de tout le m
Holden QiGong
Online, one-on-one Qi Gong training with one of Lee Holden's senior instructors.
Anna and the Sea
天茵與海天茵是香港身心靈整合工作者, 主要以身體、占卜及彩繪推廣身心靈健康。 其中最為人知是透過Jagua彩繪療癒心靈,帶來祝福; 讓皮膚成為我們的褪色日記,讓負能量離我們而去,活出自在。 2019年,天茵成立Henna Room HK作教學平台,以自家調整,安全可靠的Henna及Jagua 為繁忙的都市人,帶來一刻心靜。
Excentric Fit Gym
Un gym special în natură. Masaj, sauna, personal training disponibile. Zona Tenis Arena.
Brașov, Bulevardul Griviței 1W, Tenis Arena, Brașov
Brașov, Bulevardul Griviței 1W, Tenis Arena, Brașov 用地圖查看Coachai Booking System
This is the coachai booking system to enable you to book any of our one on one personal coaching sessions or join one of our regular coaching clinics.
Peloton & Pedal
Indoor Cycling StudioOne-on-one & Group Training Workouts with Coach supervision Scientific approach to enhance pedal stroke cycling efficiencyState of the art Watt Bike Trainers Target driven workouts based on individual metricsGeneral