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AB Empowerment Coaching


  • 星期日


  • 星期一

    12:50 PM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期二

    8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期三

    4:40 PM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期四

    12:50 PM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期五

    8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期六

    4:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Feeling stressed or overwhelmed by all of life’s demands? Maybe you feel stuck, guilty about the past, insignificant or afraid to move forward?

Trying to reach a goal, but something is holding you back?

I invite you to work 1:1 with me to move your life towards what you want it to be. Take charge of you future and put yourself first 

I am a certified Results Coach and MAP Practitioner. I help people, like you, make the desired changes they want, by overcoming internal blocks and aligning you with your goals to move towards more satisfaction and success.

Have a look at my offerings and then book a free discovery call.

To your success!



Annelize Britz



Success Coaching Program

90 分钟

A comprehensive coaching program where we focus on moving you towards your desired outcome, at work or in your personal life.This is a highly personal journey where we work together as partners. We assess your unique situation, ensure you are complet


Breakthrough Session

90 分钟

A Breakthrough session to clear something that is bothering you or just curious? Note: For new customers, this option comes with a free MAP Introduction session prior to the paid once off session.What is MAP?MAP is an innovative method to gently a


Breakthrough Bundle

90 分钟

Using the principle "you are your own best healer" we gently and swiftly release limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging patterns and past traumas with 6 MAP sessions, to make you feel more relaxed and set for success. What is MAP?MAP is an innovative me


Free Discovery Call

30 分钟

Book a free discovery call if you are curious, but still not sure, or you want to meet and greet Annelize, your certified results coach and MAP practitioner. Looking forward to meet you.


Booking of sessions for clients with different arrangements

90 分钟

For clients who paid directly into the bank account or clients with alternative arrangements.


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