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Gate To Education


  • 星期日


  • 星期一

    10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期二

    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期三

    10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期四

    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期五

    6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期六



Elaine E. Lindsay is an educator and teacher from London England with an international perspective on the educational and health needs of children and their families. Elaine holds a bachelor of arts in business studies and utilizes her knowledge to navigate the challenging and ever  changing  waters of the education system.   She strives to enlighten and educate on the laws of nature and incorporates them into the learning process.When parents and caregivers ask what is the right way to educate their children,Elaine believes that  consideration must be given to the nature and personality of the child. The educator must adjust themselves to the nature of the child and a corresponding curriculum developed that best suits the personality and learning style of the child.Children are very different in their personalities and nature.Even identical twins can have completely different personalities. As a counselor in the development of learning skills and positive youth development Elaine has personally experienced different learning styles.She believes children should be guided on “how to learn and not what to learn”, promoting a love of lifelong learning and experiencing. Drawing on her extensive experience in positive youth development, Elaine utilizes a range of counseling skills in order to help students and home educating parents learn to  overcome their blocks to their learning. Elaine has successfully Homeschooled her 3 of her 4 children K-12 and guided them into their top college choices. At the moment, one of them is a Carnegie Mellon graduate working in the intersection of Technology and the Arts while the other is currently enrolled in University of Florida studying Environmental Science and her third daughter is a senior in her home education program. She believes that experience is the best teacher and teaches classes based on experiential learning and observation.


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Homeschool Consultancy

60 分钟

In this hour consultation Elaine will present some options for home educating your child in order to determine what method may be best for you. The package also includes guidance in the legal logistics to transition your family to home education smoo

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College Preparation

30 分钟

Get help preparing your high school transcripts for graduation and college applications. In a 30 minute phone call you can present your situation and Elaine will prepare your transcript for you. The transcript will be completed within one week.

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Learning Style Assessment

60 分钟

At the end of this consultation, you'll better understand your child's unique learning style and capability.


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