
Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019

Disney Massage @ Sandcrawler, 27 Sept 2019



Massage Services by Aleyda Mobile Spa

15 分钟

Massage Services by Aleyda Mobile Spa


5 客户评论

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    Law Chiam

    10/1/2019, 11:38:47 AM

    Thankyou for the carnival!

    Luv the additions of nutrition consultation, eye care and TCM! Was wondering if We can take more than one lunch boxes at the start instead of waiting till the end? Cos there's always surplus. Also perhaps simple & healthy meal /snack prep demo? Hands-on for small group?

  • Review user image

    Fia Zamar

    9/30/2019, 3:56:00 PM


    Thank you for yet another memorable health carnival! A well organized, well-executed event from our super star, Puay! Kudos to all your efforts! Enjoyable on so many levels with fun activities, healthy food, and a lovely eclectic mix of health care service providers and professionals. What a way to temporary release the stress from our 9-6 job! Thank you and all the best!

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    Kristina Purawinata

    9/27/2019, 5:16:09 PM

    Puay and the legendary health carnival

    woah! SG Disney health carnival is one of the magical day in Disney!happiness flows in every breath you take and the force behind this magic is puay! She always bring it to higher and better level each time! thanks for taking care of us and our wellness puay! we are so lucky to have you here! kudos to puay and team, thanks Disney to let puay lead the way!

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    Ruchie Francisco

    9/27/2019, 2:38:13 PM


    every year puay continues to take the disney health carnival into another level of best! to offer for all employees to benefit and enjoy! to best describe this event i shall end it with a quote from tyra banks as she likes to say it"next level fierce" congrats and more power to puay!

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    Ronald Ian Del Mundo

    9/27/2019, 12:37:08 PM

    puay, not one to rest on her laurels

    with every health carnival, it is very evident that puay spends a lot of time trying to come up with an event that would build upon and improve on the last one. more than this review, the attendance for the health carnivals speak to the success of these events
