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Inclusive Fitness


  • 星期日

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期一

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期二

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期三

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期四

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期五

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • 星期六

    6:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Who are we?

Inclusive Fitness are a friendly and experienced team of fitness enthusiasts. We believe that the best way to start the day is with a challenging and fun training session in the great outdoors.

All our sessions are based in and around Scarborough, taking advantage of the beautiful Yorkshire scenery. We make full use of the local terrain, from the beaches to the woods and everything in between.

We pride ourselves on delivering unique sessions at a variety of locations that keep our clients interested and engaged. We often go off the beaten track, and motivate our clients to push themselves out of their comfort zones.

In addition to the natural environment we also make use of a wide array of equipment. You can expect to use battle ropes, throw beer kegs and flip tyres along with more conventional equipment like kettle bells and weights.

With many years of "bootcamp" experience, and a variety of fitness and coaching qualifications, we are confident that we can inspire and motivate you to reach your goals. Whether you are new to exercise and looking to kick start a healthier lifestyle, or a seasoned pro looking to complete your next 'Tough Mudder'

How does it work?

Unlike other providers, our memberships are not monthly. We run 7 sessions each and every week; Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You can book on at any time of the month, so no excuses!

We have several membership packages available, all offering flexibility and great value for money. Once you have selected the package you want, your account will be credited with the number of sessions in that package. You can then book on to as many sessions as you want within the allocated time period. Once you use up all your credits you can just top up your membership and continue your fitness journey. With Inclusive Fitness there is no excuse for not signing up and starting straight away!

Click here to see our membership options.

What's involved?

We love variety, and we love our home town! We use loads of different locations around Scarborough making great use of the natural terrain, however we also provide equipment to challenge our clients and keep it interesting. We meet at 5.55 am, so when the clock strikes 6:00, we are on the move.  All our sessions are planned in advance to give our clients a full body workout, and an excellent calorie burn. Any clients with particular goals should speak to our instructors and we will tailor your session to meet objectives.

We understand that joining an established group can be daunting, however we make every effort to ensure that new clients are welcomed to the group. We are a very social team, many of our sessions will involve an element of team work so you feel included from day one. We always run our sessions with a minimum of two instructors, which allows us to cater to all fitness levels. Our sessions are challenging but we ensure that they are fun and achievable.

As part of our service we offer a regular weigh in and fitness test so clients can track their progress. The improvements we have seen in the fitness test have been amazing, and If you stay good in the kitchen we guarantee results you will be able to see and feel!

Finally, we run a Facebook group to provide regular updates and a forum for providing nutrition and fitness advice. We regularly organise additional fitness based activities and events to reward and celebrate our clients progress - Paul's BBQ's are legendary!

Click here to sign up!


Paul Sharp

Saturday AM Boot-camp (All abilities)

Wednesday Am Boot-camp (All abilities)

Wednesday Pm Boot-camp (All abilities)

Friday Am Boot-camp (All abilities)

Monday Pm boot-camp (All abilities)

Monday Am boot-camp (All abilities)



Monday Am boot-camp (All abilities)

60 分钟

Only book from the 27th of July please Please meet us that the above location, be on time and full of energy to take on the session. Please remember to dress for the conditions, bring water,towel, gloves and head torch if required. If you have any is


Monday Pm boot-camp (All abilities)

60 分钟

Only book from the 27th July please Please meet us that the above location, be on time and full of energy to take on the session. Please remember to dress for the conditions, bring water,towel, gloves and head torch if required. If you have any issue


Wednesday Am Boot-camp (All abilities)

60 分钟

Only book from the 27th July please Please meet us that the above location, be on time and full of energy to take on the session. Please remember to dress for the conditions, bring water,towel, gloves and head torch if required. If you have any issue


Wednesday Pm Boot-camp (All abilities)

60 分钟

Only book from the 27th July please Please meet us that the above location, be on time and full of energy to take on the session. Please remember to dress for the conditions, bring water,towel, gloves and head torch if required. If you have any issue


Friday Am Boot-camp (All abilities)

60 分钟

Only book from the 27th July please Please meet us that the above location, be on time and full of energy to take on the session. Please remember to dress for the conditions, bring water,towel, gloves and head torch if required. If you have any issue


Saturday AM Boot-camp (All abilities)

60 分钟

Please meet us that the above location, be on time and full of energy to take on the session. Please remember to dress for the conditions, bring water,towel, gloves and head torch if required. If you have any issues with locations please refer to th


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