Wagnes acupuncture
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
A c u p u n c t u r e C u p p i n g G u i S h a F a c i a l优惠&促销
Rikke Wagnes Antibes
A c u p u n c t u r e
50 分钟
If you are ready for a total mind/body reset, want to boost your immune system, soften those tight shoulders, release your clicking jaw, ease your digestion, have restorative sleep, emotional and hormonal balance.francais:Si
A c u p u n c t u r e + cupping
50 分钟
Enjoy the luxury of a deep tissue cupping massage at the start of the treatment. 15 minutes of cupping with oil, followed by acupuncture and the usual 20 minutes relax with the needles. TPD Heat-lamp can be added (only in clinic).francais:Profi
T h e T o t a l +
80 分钟
Profitez du luxe d'un massage personnalisé de 30 minutes suivi de 15 minutes de ventouses (dos) en début de soin. Ensuite, acupuncture sur mesure et les 20 minutes habituelles de détente avec les aiguilles. Si vous craignez les marques de ventouse, i
S p o r t Acupuncture +
80 分钟
Ce traitement est spécialement conçu pour les athlètes professionnels. En plus de l'acupuncture, le traitement comprend des ventouses, des massages et des étirements passifs. Les ventouses peuvent être utilisées sur le dos, les bras, les jambes
C u p p i n g /M a s s a g e
50 分钟
To increase blood circulation and reduce musculoskeletal pain. Enjoy the luxury of a 30 minutes personalised massage using Swedish massage techniques, osteopathy and Shiatzu followed by 15 minutes of cupping (back) at the end of the treatment.
'T H E f a c i a l'
80 分钟
Take your face to the gym. Lift, tone, sculpt your jaw, neck, cheekbones. increase circulation to your face, soften and reduce wrinkles. Clear the puff and under-eye circles while achieving a radiate glow. French:Emmenez votr
H o m e T r e a t m e n t
80 分钟
Enjoy the luxury of 15 minutes of cupping (back) at the start of the treatment. Afterwards, bespoke Acupuncture and the usual 20 minutes relax with the needles. If you are worried about the short lasting marks, it can be changed for a ligh
R e p r o g r a m m i n g
60 分钟
This is where we look at your Diet and lifestyle. I will help guide you on what to eat and what to avoid depending on your TCM constitution. Certain Lifestyle advice which can include stretches, breathing techniques, control of thoughts and, habits.K
A c u p u n c t u r e
50 分钟
If you are ready for a total mind/body reset, want to boost your immune system, soften those tight shoulders, release your clicking jaw, ease your digestion, have restorative sleep, emotional and hormonal balance.
A c u p u n c t u r e + cupping
50 分钟
Enjoy the luxury of a deep tissue cupping massage at the start of the treatment. 15 minutes of cupping with oil, followed by acupuncture and the usual 20 minutes relax with the needles. If you are worried about the short lasting marks, it can b
T h e T o t a l +
80 分钟
Back massage, cupping, Acupuncture, foot and head massage! Enjoy the luxury of a 30 minutes personalised massage using Swedish massage techniques, osteopathy and Shiatzu followed by 15 minutes of cupping (back) at the start of the treatment.Afterwar
S p o r t Acupuncture +
80 分钟
Sport acupuncture + is specifically tailored for professional athletes. As well as acupuncture, treatment includes cupping, Swedish massage, osteopathic techniques, shiatsu and passive/active stretching. Cupping can be used on the back, arms, l
C u p p i n g / M a s s a g e
50 分钟
To increase blood circulation and reduce musculoskeletal pain. Enjoy the luxury of a 30 minutes personalised massage using Swedish massage techniques, osteopathy and Shiatzu followed by 15 minutes of cupping (back) at the start of the treatment.
'T H E f a c i a l'
80 分钟
Take your face to the gym. Lift, tone, sculpt your jaw, neck, cheekbones. increase circulation to your face, soften and reduce wrinkles. Clear the puff and under-eye circles while achieving an instant radiate glow. Perfect to 
H o m e T r e a t m e n t
80 分钟
Enjoy the luxury of 15 minutes of cupping (back) at the start of the treatment. Afterwards, bespoke Acupuncture and the usual 20 minutes relax with the needles. If you are worried about the short lasting marks, it can be changed for a ligh
O n l i n e S e s s i o n
50 分钟
If you are unable to come to the clinic and want a tutorial on how to do cupping, gua sha or acupressure, this is the perfect service for you. You will have 50 minutes of my undivided attention and advice with demonstration where nece
C o r p o r a t e Package
240 分钟
Acupuncture and cupping is not only to relieve aches and pains, but also may increase the immune system, decrease inflammatory deceases, and restore homeostasis. Your employees would receive a total mind/
NuFACE microcurrent Facial
50 分钟
Firm and tone the face and neck with the NuFACE Trinity Facial Toning Device. In minutes, you can smooth fine lines, lift brows and contour cheeks for a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance. Traditional skincare only treats the skin's surface, but
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