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24 Fit Club L10

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Monday

    6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Thursday

    6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Friday

    6:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Saturday

    6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

About the company

Welcome to your Fitness journey . Whether you are brand new to working out , or looking for something fresh and new . We have different classes to offer- our Fun Fit Club / Low Impact Pilates / Barre Fitness .Brand New Classes to be added soon .Please book your class and we look forward to seeing you in class . Scott and Bernie 

Our team

Scott Griffiths

Fit Club Coaches

Fit Club Coaches


Top services

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60 min

Ballet based Barre workout , Full body Workout . Tone and strengthen your body , in a non impact class .This class will challenge and shape you . Designed for every Body . PAYG - £10 per class 

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60 min

A Fun Fitness Class for all Abilities . Everybody Welcome .No Egos , Just support and Motivation . Bring a friend and lets achieve your goals together .The Class costs £5 , Which Includes Hydrating Drink , Snack and Post Workout Recovery , &nbsp

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60 min

A Fun Fitness Class for all Abilities . Everybody Welcome .No Egos , Just support and Motivation . Bring a friend and lets achieve your goals together .The Class costs £5 , Which Includes Hydrating Drink , Snack and Post Workout Recovery , &nbsp

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60 min

A low impact class , which helps improve posture , alignment , core strength , balance , flexibility and much more .increase muscle strength and endurance , to increase general fitness and  wellbeing .PAYG - £10 per class


2 reviews

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  • Review user image

    Sonia Pearce

    7/12/2019, 12:57:20 PM

    Thoroughly enjoyed the workout on Wednesday and will definately come again. Didn't think I had worked that hard but my body told me differently the next couple of days! Thank you Bernie and Scott.

  • Review user image

    Bronia Pearce

    7/10/2019, 11:11:52 PM

    Amazing session!!

    An amazing, friendly session. Doesn’t feel like a workout yet I know I’ve done something. Bernie and Scott are full of knowledge and able to assist if you need any help. This is definitely suitable for all as you choose what’s too much for you. Smiles all round

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