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Tabang Sikad/Batan-on Interview
20 min
1 reviews
YeaEunTiffany Cabingas
7/14/2024, 1:36:49 PM
Tabang Sikad|Batan-on Interview Feedback
Dear Tabang Sika | Batan-on, Thank you for reaching out and for your dedication to improving your services. I truly appreciate the effort your organization puts into ensuring a great experience for the youths. I would be happy to provide my feedback. My experience with your services has been excellent. The interview and overall service quality have been particularly impressive. I love how open and respectful are you on the language we use during the interview to ensure that we are comfortable and we are able to express freely our thoughts and ideas that we can contribute to the organization Please let me know if there’s a specific format or any particular areas you’d like me to focus on in my feedback. Thank you once again for valuing my thoughts and for your continued commitment to excellence. Best regards, Yea Eun Tiffany P. Cabingas