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Dr. Byungjoo Park

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

  • Monday

    Day off

  • Tuesday

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  • Wednesday

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  • Thursday

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  • Friday

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  • Saturday

    7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

About the company

Interactive balance technology

Our team

Dr. ByungJoo Park

Top services

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Bodytype & Food consulting $300

60 min

We identify your body type and tell what is your right food

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Personal Symptoms Treatment $150

30 min

We care most of your symptoms in a private session.


3 reviews

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    Rachel Kim

    8/25/2016, 4:02:44 PM

    it was awesome

    I am blown away by his teaching. I will continue to practice what he told me and am excited to see how my body reacts and feel better. Thank you

  • Review user image

    Grace Kim

    9/3/2015, 1:45:17 PM

    visit review

    Dr. BYUNG Joo Park is awesome. He is helpful in determining which foods are good for me and which foods are bad for me. He diagnosed my symptoms correctly and prescribe the best remedy. With his help I am recovering fast.

  • Review user image

    Grace Kim

    9/2/2015, 4:18:48 PM


    Dr. Byung Ju Park is an awesome doctor. He always finds my weak points and stress points and makes me feel better. He also tells me which foods are good for me and which ones are bad for me. He knows things that other acupuncture doctors do not know.

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